Seeing the name "Jehovah" was a catholic invention of the 13th century and was popularised by Apostates because of its usage,"Aid Book",will new light reveal another name in the future ? Maybe Yahweh ?

by smiddy 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • smiddy

    What do you think, is it possible ? the witnesses say the apostacy took place after the last of the apostles died off , the name jehovah was invented by a catholic monk in the 13th century and because of its popularity among christendom (apostates ) it became acceptable. ? And they have adopted it ?

    Are the Jehovahs Witnesses following along with apostacy ? adopting what apostates beleive ?

    Something to think about


  • Jeffro
    Are the Jehovahs Witnesses following along with apostacy ?

    Kind of like how the 'inspired' scriptures are the ones that were arbitrarily selected by 'apostate' Christendom in the 4th century?

  • mP


    Kinda like Jesus only became a godman or known because of this same church, sorry empire. Same goes for Nazareth, which was found by Constantines mum.

  • smiddy

    Sorry for the multiple posts , maybe Gods trying to tell us ( or me ) something ?


  • rmt1

    Can you provide a reference for this Jehovah Catholic thing?

  • mP

    rmt1 look up wiki.

  • Phizzy

    I really do not see them abandoning the name Jehovah any time, it is their Marketing Brand name. They know all the arguments against its accuracy and its use, and they care not a fig.

    What may cause a problem for them though, with theur ridiculous anhd baseless use of it in the N.T, is if the new Revised bible does the same thing and is reviewed by scholars, we can expect to see some severe criticism on this score I should have thought, which may cause some JW's to think,

    "if they got this so wrong, then what else ?"

    They may of course have put it in the footnotes instead of the text, which would be the sensible thing to do if they want credibility, the trouble is for them then that a lot of the NT, when read in their version without reference to the footnotes, will not support their weird Theology.

  • smiddy


    If I remember correctly, the first edtion of the book"Aid To Bible Understanding"acknowledged the fact a spanish monk of the 13th century by the name Raymundus Martinus ( or something like that ) added vowels to the tetragramatton JHVH ( YHWH) and came up with jehovah.

    I understand this information has been deleted from the CD-Rom of the "Aid "book


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    What Jeff said. It's their brand, like McDonald's changing to MicDonwalds or something. It just wouldn't happen for a multinational corporation with decades invested in its branding.

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    who knows. who cares. say the name jeehova (300 times an hour) and it's like ringing a bell; jw's salivate like a dog.

    it's a friggin neumonic that helped the insiders cash in on a billion in real estate. Thats awesome.

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