We thought about going to San Fran to vacation anyway...probably should have stuck with that plan:( Besides you have Candace Conti as a special guest. How awesome is that!
San Diego are you awake?
by nicsfreedom 31 Replies latest jw friends
Does anyone know about a cheap place to live in San Diego these days. I lived there for over 40 years, but don't think I can afford it today. I would almost kill to get back there.
I lived on the beaches for years, PB, OB, Bird Rock, Crown Point, but I would consider North Park, Normal Heights, University Heights, and even Chula Vista, just to be back there. Even National City if someone would let me borrow a gun. Logan Heights is out, but Lemon Grove would be acceptable.
Any ideas, suggestions? Any codger housing that might accommodate this codger today?
48 needed now. IDK?
Farkel you have a PM.
Can we rally to get this done? I am just going to try to get my worldly friends to come too. And kids. Lets not forget kids.
A pastor in my church jusr agreed to go and bring his wife.
Nathan Natas
The precision with which the "Truth Be Told" campaign has been conducted has been impressive: it's like a well-oiled rock.
Take this thread for instance. No details.
No answers to the essential questions
I tried to contact the man behind the movie. No contact information for him is available anywhere on the internet, so I write to one of the 3 or 4 websites involved in promoting TBT and request contact. No relpy. Does he have a staff or is it all entourage and groupies?
I can think of three XJW movie projects that I have heard of in the past couple of years that have been express trains to NOWHERE.
TBT is yet another object lesson in how to run a failed campaign.
Good work! NOT!
So I see nathan natas is representing the Do Nothings and the whining detractors in the exjw community. While the watchtower barely needs to have a good concept tp make millions of people world wide promote the hell out of their crap-they cant fail - here in the xjws we I herited the biggest bunch of ddo nothings and armchair critics I have ever seen. It really does seem to me that some of you here, are here for the sole purpose of destroying everysingle effort to actually accomplish something for the exjw cause. I dont know about anybody else but I do take xjw activism very seriously. And in general I support and am positve, helpful, hopeful and ready to praise just about ANY effort any exjw puts forth on any front. I really do believe in being a brotherhood and being loyal to my brothers in this co.munity. frankly if everyone was like me we would have a powerful organization of ex members. I do walk the walk and I am proud to say it. Stooping to the level where since you havent seen the film yet you cant ritocize it so you (all the while not having a projet of your own) criticize how the project is run. But if it was run fantastically and masterfully it wouldnt matter cuz you would just find something else to nay say about. So my criticism and challenge tp nathan natas is the obvious: if youre so smart and talented and know so much about running a successful campaign why dont you offer your expertise on the subject. Offer to be the head marketing strategist. Or do a film of your own. But what I know of you so far is that what you are good at is whining. Not much ground for bragging onyour side buddy. Show Us what you got in your pants. Put your money where your mouth is.
I noticed that the neede number went down but ths going number did not go up. Did you work a new deal with the venue or something?
Oh I almost forgot: detractors and do nothings and whiners and armchair talentless critics start criticising my post riiight... riight....NOW!