You got it all wrong. The GB are puppets in the grand scheme of things. It's the Executives and lawyers that control the WTBTS. Follow the money, the doctrine and bullshit is just the cover up.
New Light related to Watchtower Society Isolation closing the shop? A scenario
by Gorbatchov 24 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Every religion eventually build its cathedrals...
Soilder77, bingo.
the attys and such are raking in all kinds of fees etc. They have a cash cow. The WT does not and is not planning very far into the future, maybe 100 or less years., after all the current leeches are dead and gone. I believe they will make more outlamdish and more supressive and more unbelievable or"prophecies" etc, because, well, you know , "bad news sells" right? The more strict and outlandish the better. They will continue to attract those with week social abilities and neeeds. They don't care so much about those in, except they will continue to be harsh on those who leave. They have grown a large "estsate" retirement, from all the goodies willed to them from those older loyal JWs.
No, it can not sustain this way for too much longer, but it can sustain for decades like this. It might reduce iin size, but they don't care, they have the cash cow and now they are milking it for all it is worth. Eventually, I predict, it too will go by the way of the flying saucer cult. But not for a while.
IMHO the GB are the puppets. They have cognitive dissonience to the hilt or they are conciously going against concience, I dn't know. But the danger of coming out and critisizing when they have no where to go for a job or to live, plus the loss of "idol worship" makes it pretty hard to go that route.
Bethelites that come here make it pretty clear the paradice of Bethel is anything but a paradice. The GB knows this too. The dayd are numbered, how many? who knows. The pedo cases piling up could hasten the collapse. But before the collapse will be a resurgance ( I believe) . Fear is a powerful thing to the r&f JW.
Gorbatchov (shouldn't that be Gorbachev?):
assets devide by FDS was: 2 billion : 144.000 = 13,888.88 dollar per FDS member
I don't follow your logic here. JWs have considered most of the '144,000' to have been dead (or, rather, 'floating around in heaven') for a long, long time. And beyond that, the other self-proclaimed 'anointed' (i.e. the non-GB 'silent partners' who purportedly formed the majority of the 'faithful slave') were never going to get a cent from the Watch Tower Society if/when they decide to close shop anyway.
I don't think they will be closing shop, ever, as long as the masses still believe. They are simply reorganizing themselves and bracing for the next challenge: How to keep the believers believing in this information era where you can no longer withold secrets and science brings certain dogmas under scrutiny and discredits old ideas about religion. They obviously forecast that massive amounts of people will leave, which will shorten their income for a while, while they regroup and reorganize. Then, once they come up with a new set of "new light" adjusted to modern times, they will be ready to grow again.
Narcissistic Supply
SkinnedSheep, yes they are running a real estate laundering business that masquarades as a religion. But the captives/victims have been carpetbombed with gaslighting and ambient abuse and not capable of fighting back; or even thinking clearly.
It's not my job to please the ears. I will share a thing that happened when I was pioneering, about 96?
Older sister has friends, contacts, little birds, extended grapevine through Patterson (? can't remember). She relates to the car group, in the way that you (when you were a JW) would relate an upbuilding experience, that the anointed suffer greatly in their role. The ordinary understanding of suffering is that you are harrassed, persecuted, harangued, etc, etc, for a belief you profess. In this case, the anointed wrinkled farts were suffering greatly because of fecal impaction, and it was conveyed in this sharing of an experience that bearing up under these circumstances was evidence of spiritual strength. The older sister made no mention of the Bethel/or whoever clinical staff that had to manually assist in this situation, but, boy oh boy were we the car group left under no doubt that the Anointed wrinkled farts of the Governing Body were steadfast in the face of adversity. They were a marvel. They were an example to the flock. They were full of
This is to go along with the comment about people kissing their asses.
yeah, It was liberating to discern that the busts of Hitler, statues of Stalin & Lenin and sundry other dignetaries really showed a
seriously CONSTIPATED expression
as if asking:
which way to the loo? but
think of the trail they left behind.
They are selling Rome, London offices too??? I kind of missed that. Unbelievable. Bastards to the end.
Julia Orwell
They're selling the london one and moving to a cheaper area not too far from London I believe.