Why not just refuse to be the housholder? Tell them your beard needs trimming and that is the only day that will do.
Oh the irony!
by Captain Blithering 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Ask the Question..
Are JW`s False Prophets?!!..
Then Hold Up This Watchtower.. That Effin Dog Is..
For EveryOne to See.. Diabolical!!..
What if they make you shave before they will let you do the part. It's a trick.
If you do get to be the household, make sure you run your fingers though your beard. -
Rose Mary
You can say: TRUTH never changes!
Why did JWs have to make changes in their teachings?
Does this show that they were relying on God for teaching, or have they been appointed by God?
Google "Mister Subliminal" from Saturday Night Live and work up your talk accordingly.
Personally, I like:
Our Governing Body (LEADERS) state that they are not inspired but are spirit-directed (SAME THING).
OTWO said-
Our Governing Body (LEADERS) state that they are not inspired but are spirit-directed (SAME THING).
Nah, they're COMPLETELY DIFFERENT things!
Even overlooking they BOTH contain the same Greek root ('spire', i.e. 'inSPIREd' and SPIRit-directed') it should be plainly OBVIOUS that one is orders being GIVEN by God directly to the recipients, whereas the other indicates the recipients being DIRECTED by God with orders they were GIVEN!
They're TOTS different!
Captain Blithering
Tough talk to listen to without shaking my head vigorously and tutting.
Fun demo though. Apart from the claptrap explanation of over eager expectations...
Boy who cried wolf anyone?
You: You're a false profit.
Publisher: Don't you mean false "prophet"?
You: How do you know the difference verbally?! What's wrong with you?
Publisher: I'm sure you meant we are "false prophets".
You (turn to audience): See friends!! He said it himself!....... Either we can research this issue, or die at armageddon.
Walk off stage.
As a householder then can you not say "I've heard you guys have predicted the end of the world on several occassions, the dates came and went, doesn't that make you false prophets?"
And then paraphrase or quote Deut.18:22 "when the prophet speaks in the name of jehovah and the word does not occur or come true,that is the word that jehovah did not speak.With presumptuousness the prophet spoke it.You must not get frightened at him "
Sammy Jenkis
Yeah do it!