But what if one views "DoubleThink" as a paradox and not a contradiction? And can one lie if one actually believes the lie?
Sometimes light acts as particles, and sometimes it acts more like a wave. Both are contradictory, yet both apparently are true.
The JW credibility problem lies in its foundational claims. It actually denies being led by inspiration as the ancient church was, yet it refers to "new light." That new light comes from above and goes into the heads of the Governing Body members, then down to the fingers, where they then write Watchtower and Awake! magazines. Then those articles are set in huge publishing machines and get printed in a variety of languages using cheap ink and paper. Then you wake people up on Saturday mornings and give the publications to people who throw them away.
And thus is fulfilled John's scirpture which saith, "And I saw an angel in the midst of Heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach to the nations of the earth...." See how wonderfully this all works? You get NEW LIGHT but it's not INSPIRED. It's like the old Nixon parody in which Nixon says, "I take full responsibility...but not the blame." The difference, he adds, is that people who are responsible keep their jobs, while those who are blamed do not!
I think it's amazing that the JW website actually states that their articles don't carry the weight of scripture, yet they tell everyone that they come from the same source. Yeeeesh!