I think a far more likely (and far more disturbing) hypothetical scenario would go more like this...
...the GB, facing a tsunami of lawsuits, plateauing membership, apathetic R&F, increasingly effective XJW opposition, declining publication "sales", and dwindling revenue flow, becomes increasingly marginilized and extremist, and comes to the conclusion (cynically, perhaps) that Great Tribulation has actually arrived.
They can't "skip town" without losing face, so, in desperation, they send out instructions to all the congregations worldwide to suspend the preaching work and/or go into some kind of holding pattern and wait for further direction (or in the event of an impending mass Exodus, finding pretexts to dissolve hundreds of congregations and DF thousands rather than face the ignominity of mass walkaways),
Then they can lock the gates to the Warwick complex with a core membership of loyalists to serve them (maybe even move into the underground areas, assuming they're furnished and outfitted), fully convinced that the End has finally come and they have only to wait it out.
If anybody thinks that this scenario is far-fetched, remember that these people have everything invested in the WT; without it, they have nothing.