The Pope as Gods mouthpeice on earth says no contraception....Faithful slave tells us Jehovah thinks blood fractions are okay...of course they offically are not our leaders....on paper. But really are they any different to the Pope.
Pope or Faithful slave....whats the difference???
by Witness 007 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
The Pope has to be elected by a bunch of guys in funny red hats. The Faithful slave gets to appoint themselves.
Really not much. The pope claims he's the vicar of Christ based on the scripture in Matt. Were Jesus tells Simon peter to feed my sheep. And of course the faithful and discreet slave is a parable about feeding the sheep that the gb have taken it upon themselves to declare were that slave. So yeah now the JWs have 8 little popes running around, isn't it special.
Did you say eight little poops ? spot on !
I think the Pope has a more valid claim to be "The Vicar of Christ" in that the Title has been passed down for centuries, though it is very doubtful that there is a line really going back to Peter. But still, a long "provenance".
The arrogant, blasphemous claims made by the GB of the JW's, that they speak and act for Christ vicariously, that the eight are a composite "Vicar of Christ", for which there is absolutely no proof, now only go back, according to them, (July WT), to 1919. Not a very long history is it ?
St George of England
I think any Roman Catholic could publicly disagree with the Pope without fear of being excommunicated/disfellowshipped. Try that as a JW and see how long you last. George
I agree George, and ask JW's who controls their lives and they will say Jehovah, but as someone else on here said "If you want to know who rules and controls you, just think who you are not allowed to criticise".
I think the GB, with their Totalitarian aim of control, would love to set up an Inquisition, which, as Monty Python points out, no one expects.
In essence the same.
On the surface quite different.
The Pope and RCC have been liberalising.
The GB/FDS/WBTS is demonstrating an increased authoritarianism, radicalism, conservatism, divisiveness and siege mentality with doomsday overtones.
If the Wt. has cut all liability ties to JWs who are the FDS leaders of.
Great question Designs, of course the WT reply would be that the GB are "spiritual leaders" only, so guide the R&F in their spiritual life (whatever that is) but have no direct influence on how the R&F lead their real lives.
So they can claim that a JDub in Field Service or attending Meetings etc is doing it of his own volition, and is not their Agent as far as legal matters are concerned.
We know this is a lie of course, and I doubt , if tested, it would stand up in Court.
Phizzy- wouldn't it be funny fo someone getting DF'd said 'sorry you're not the boss of me'.