I mean.... are the dubs pretty much supporters of the conspiracy theory (watching videos, researching etc) or do they avoid such materials/topics?
What is the stand/view of the JWs regarding the Illuminati and conspiracy theory?
by UBM101 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
I have only ever met one jw who had ever read any thing on the subject. It would be guarenteed here that none would know what the hell you were talking about.
I can think of two JW's only who would know anything about the Illuminati etc, and they are both exceptional individuals. Both are very well read, both are Bibliophiles with large personal collections. I am amazed they both still attend, but both have large extended families that are in.
The other 7million or so don't really know what day of the week it is, as was I until I left, they are apallingly ignorant and uneducated.
Pretty much the same as the general public. If you mention anything not championed by the Mainstream media, their eyes will glaze over, their faces will go blank and they tune out. After all if it was true, the faithful slave would have told us right?
If there is an illuminati conspiracy, why didn't Ray Franz out it? Wouldn't governing body members know about this alleged secret control? Or was his exit and expose all part of the conspiracy?
Band on the Run
I fit several definitons of Illuminati. Yet I post here. Believe it or not, I have never gathered with Illuminati friends and plotted the overthrow of democracy Perhaps Illuminati were once powerful many generations ago but not now. Also, I worked very hard to become an Illuminati. I am proud to be one of them.
Another related concept is that Ivy League schools are bastions of privilege and students have no merit. This was never true. Poor students were offered financial aid from the schools from their inception in colonial times. They started as seminaries. Many generations ago if you had certain bloodlines, you were admitted. Once admitted, no one flunks out. No one flunks out today. Several generations before my time the schools decided to make admission decisions based on academic and social merit. They are selective. You must have superb high school grades, SAT scores, and real extracurricular activities. They don't like foolish activities, such as class president or the Rotary Club. I was accepted b/c I worked in poverty programs. They loved that I had a part-time job at a cheap retailer to pay for Beatles albums, etc. They adored me. Believe it or not, they wanted me for diversity. I was good for the school in their eyes. They adore bright students who also have degrees from the school of hard knocks. Too many bright uppper middle class or wealthy kids are already at the schools b/c of legacies.
Heck, law school gave me extra spending money for hair highlights or rock concerts. Remember I was a born-in. People respect me deeply that I was raised a JW but now I am not. They realize how difficult the transition had to be.
Bildenbergers exist. It is not what people here believe it is. Look at the world. I see no signs of coordinated plotting. My experience with government is that it borders on chaotic. Corporate is more functional. Merit works in corporate America. Government involves patronage and the pay is poor.
I don't know how the JWs treat it. Weird conspiracy theories seem to fall neatly into their evil, evil humans belief. Look at the United Nations, though. I loved going on UN tours as a child b/c of the nice uniforms the women wore. Somehow I was going to wear a uniform and give tours in the future. We sneaked into the UN in case any Witnesses saw us. I so much loved the outfits but I also believed Jehovah might send a lightning bolt and earthquakes to the headquarters on the East River.
I've worked as a lawyer at some of the most demonic places. When I was bored, some Jehovah anger might have made the work more interesting.
Doubting Bro
I have a JW relative who believes this stuff. Of course, she also believes My Little Pony's and Smurfs are gateways to the demons.
I think the Illuminati and conspiracy theories are not mainstream for JWs because they already have a paranoid worldview based on the Satan being in charge and responsible for all the bad stuff in the world. Pan-demonism as I call it is almost a mental illness among many JWs. My mother has it for one. When I was small I had a toy my atheist dad got me made by a company called zodiac toys. Well that went into the bin. My brother at the time said it right when he sarcastically called it a zodiac devil worshiper. The toy in question was a simple pen pointer and magically erasable sheet to write or draw on as many times as one wanted.
Anyhow I digressed a bit. JWs when leaving the JW faith tend to go in several directions afterwards. A common one is atheism of course but another one is a replacement worldview that keeps the fear in the world. This view and direction is the absolute fascination with conspiracy theories. It replaces the ordered chaos and explanations of the world the JWs have with its organisational viewpoint with JWs being immune from Satan if they toe the line, to another view without the organisational framework, because those who leave obviously reject organised religion in most cases. So for JWs who leave but cannot move on from much of the JW theology, these often go down this path with Satan still being there in charge but through more human cohorts like the illuminate idea as it provides an escape from the JW version of fear mongering. Of course it is still just as stupid and paranoid but thats another matter I guess.
So for JWs who leave but cannot move on from much of the JW theology, these often go down this path with Satan still being there in charge but through more human cohorts like the illuminate idea as it provides an escape from the JW version of fear mongering.
I think my husband is at this stage
jws believe that all non-jws are trying to destroy them, that every structure in society is controlled by the devil and the demons who are also trying to wipe them out; that any information outside the WTS has the demon taint that only can be filtered out by the WTS.