unless, of course, you catch one of them coming out of a cheap motel with a sleazy prostitute, like that famous minister who was caught with his pants down in Indio, California
Do you think it is good idea for Apostates to be Paparazzi to take pics of the GB everywhere they go?
by Iamallcool 22 Replies latest jw friends
Oh sure, everyone's laughing at the OP now...but come on. We all know if one of these pics came up with something scandalous, attitudes would change really quickly.
I second that!
On Reddit that would be gold for new Gb sayings I think it's called a Gif.. If you haven't been on exjw on Reddit you would love it. Lots of tech savvy kids who's parents are jws and they hate it. Also many of us old timers comment to teach them the ways of the force. Dazed what are those pictures called?
Yes that would be good to get some photos that the GB are not expecting and post them on the internet for all it is worth.
Here's a snap of Anthony Morris III getting a new shirt for the Annual meeting. This the kind of thing you're after?
Oh that is golden post it on reddit my friend