JW Mission = Find all checker floors in WT publications

by bytheirworks 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ILoveTTATT

    Actually, the checkered floors might just be one more of the many Masonic symbols found in the literature. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that accepting the fact that there are Masonic symbols means that I believe in Illuminati/NWO bullshit... just pointing out that the symbols are there.

    At the very least it's bad from a typical JW's viewpoint because Masons have been associated with spiritism... how can "God's Organization" be putting out art that's filled with symbolism from a spiritistic secret society?


    I agree with what is said in JWFacts:

    "The purpose for what follows is to show that many of the beliefs and symbols Russell included in the Watchtower publications are what the religion now claim to be of pagan and even occult background. Russell's Adventist and Masonic related beliefs help explain the source of some of his teachings and the development of his religion. It raises the question that if this is truly the only religion directed by Jehovah, why God allowed, or even directed, for symbols of this kind to identify his people, even well after the claimed cleansing of his spiritual temple in 1919."

    So, not to make me look like I am crazy or nothing, I think this SHOULD be added to the list of Masonic symbols found in JW literature.

    My arguments are:

    1) The only reference in the Bible that may be interpreted as the floor of the temple of Solomon having alternating colors is 1 Kings 6:15. You can see commentaries, different translations, etc here:


    My idea of planks of wood of different types would look something like this:


    2) The Photodrama is full of pictures with checkered floors, plus the other literature that is stated in the thread. However, there are some slides that weaken this theory, such as the Luther slide. It MAY be that the artist in particular liked checkered floors or thought that was the way the scene was...

    But, knowing the many confirmed symbols and names used by the JW's... it is more likely that the checkered floors should be added to the masonic symbols found in JW literature, more than just simply a coincidence.

    I know that every time that you see a checkered floor it does not necessarily mean a connection to Masonic things... but taking the evidence as a whole, that JW's have used and use Masonic symbolism a lot in their literature, this seems to be yet another one.













    3) Other religious art, generally does NOT show a checkered or mosaic floor for the same scenes. I say "generally" because SOME do, but MOST don't... so why do a lot of the Watchtower publications have this floor in a lot of scenes, especially when referring to the temple?

    What is your opinion on this?

  • cliff

    My artist daughter said instantly:

    It is a well known "trick" of illustrators everywhere! All those lines on the floor give a strong perspective. They all go to the vanishing points in or off the picture. This makes for a strong contrast between the solid architectural lines and the soft human form and clothing.

    Drama is added to the image. That's all!


  • ILoveTTATT

    It could be... could be coincidence or it could be yet another symbol used...

  • gopher123

    So yeah... I was right all along

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