This blog is my favorite. I've learned a lot since I've been here, on lots of varied subjects. My attitude towards my state of mind now, is that i'm in recovery from a cult. From all I've read so far, it takes time. Maybe some day I won't be interested in talking to ex-jw's but right now i need it.
Do I have PTSD. I comment on three exjw blogs almost everyday
by trujw 33 Replies latest jw friends
Nathan Natas
I think maybe you have some really awesome issues.
I doubt that there is anyone here who doesn't have "issues" of some kind.
After you begin to get past your JW issues, you may find you'll have some XJW issues.
None of us can please EVERYBODY all of the time. Not even me, and I am pretty awesome! But I lie alot.
Keep a sense of humor and don't be too hard on yourself.
You sound normal to me. I too am interested in JW history and all thier wacked out believes. I love history in general . I also read everything I can on Mormans, early Christians and what different religions believe. Kind of a hobby of mine.....I will never get over....and will keep learning everything I can to refute JW's . So this is something that interests you , that's cool. Some Guys like to work on cars, and spend hours fixing them up. You like to do research on the WT....... I get it
Thanks everyone this actually is my hobby. Much love to everyone here. Even the ones that piss me off jk