I've seen this term used a lot (love-bombing) re: new JW studies. The implication is that this is some kind of nefarious WT strategy, but, the more I think about, the less I agree. At least, it's not an INTENTIONAL strategy, I think, just something that happens that works to their advantage (getting new recruits in).
I grew up as a JW. It seemed that, whenever a new person started coming, everyone DID start talking to them, taking them out in service, going over for meals/inviting them over, etc. But, was this as a result of some sinister GB plot?
Actually, no. In fact, it was because we were bored to tears with all the other people at the hall and were desperate for new people to talk with - for an 'approved' breath of fresh air. (Can't associate with worldlies, after all, they'll just lead you away [8>] - of course, they DO )
The second reason we 'loved bombed' was because we wanted them in OUR clique. EVERY hall had cliques - LOTS of them, and when a new study started coming, there was serious competition to get them in YOUR group of friends. It seems so stupid and trivial now, but that was all their was to life.
I honestly don't think anyone involved in the 'love bombing' was really thinking theocratic war strategies...'if I can just convince him we love him, we can get him baptised', et al.
Honestly, looking back, it almost seemed a cry for help. Like in all those movies where a group of people are being held captive, and a new prisoner is thrown in - everyone runs up to see them (is he the one? Will he be able to save us?)
Xander F
(Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
--George Santayana