Based on a letter elders in the United States have just received in the past week from the Governing Body, work on the Warwick complex will take " a few years" to complete. Concurrent with this, the organization urges the rank and file to urgently preach the "good news of the kingdom" because we are so deep into the end. So, why bother with the Warwick project - or indeed the just advised project in the United Kingdom to relocate the London Bethel? This is the bizarre split in priorities that has characterized the organization since Russell's day - seek to shore up the security of the organization by slaving to build all these huge buildings and facilities - but also slave to warn the world about how perilously close the end is. Which is it? You can' have it both ways. Either there's plenty of time remaining to warrant expanding Watchtower complexes - or get out there and reduce your blood guilt by warning the world about the end. Rutherford got at least one thing right:Religion is a snare and a racket.
by steve2 21 Replies latest watchtower bible
The simple explanation is : Why are we expanding ? because these facilities are needed , after Armageddon, to care for the needs of the millions who will be resurected.
This was the reason given 20-30 years ago , nothing new.
smiddy , the resurrection according to them will see many many billions bought back to life on a paradise earth surley even their comfy country club in the country cant cope with such an influx of resurrected ones!
Yes, it's characterized the organization since Russell's day.
This explains why so many will rebel after the thousand years,
imagine 1000 more years of slavery, really really boring meetings, based on Warwicked Tower Pubs.
since service will not be required for salvation then? salvation having been achieved,
what will the carrot and stick be then?
just asking.
Hell, thousands are rebelling now - well slackening the pace anyway.
steve, that's news to me about the UK Branch
That is a great point to bring up when speaking to a witness, thank you steve! Wouldn't the time of those doing the work on the new buildings be better spent in the door to door work?
Yup! I noticed this same point a while back. When my family brings this up I am going to ask them about these exact questions. Or the next time my parent says it he end is sooooooo close and I'm going to die if I don't go to meetings.
The simple explanation is : Why are we expanding ? because these facilities are needed , after Armageddon, to care for the needs of the millions who will be resurected.
That's exactly what my Mother said was explained at her Congo.