WT 4-01-02 article

by DB 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH1

    Lyin eyes said

    I dont think I will be wanting to renew my watchtower subscription.
    Apparently you missed the memo. They've stopped all US subscriptions and the publishers now have to deliver them.


  • greven

    they DO dicourage bible reading: independantly.

    independant from what or who? holy spirit? god?
    no! the WTBS!

    "Fear is strange soil. Mainly it grows obedience like corn, which grows in rows and makes weeding easy. But sometimes it grows the potatoes of defiance, which flourish underground."
    -from "Small Gods" by Terry Pratchett-

  • neyank

    Yes. The WTS does give some scriptures to look up when discussing a certain point they're trying to make.

    But as has been said, they have taken the scriptures out of context.

    And if by chance the JW reads the entire chapter the scripture is in,
    he/she may come away with a different meaning than the WTS wants them to have.
    If that happens and the JW questions the elders on it, they are told that the r&f JW has it wrong.
    That the WTS has true understanding and they will have to wait on Jehovah to clear it up in their minds.

    If that r&f JW goes around telling other JWs that the WTS has gotten the understanding wrong, he/she may find themselves in the back room being questioned on their loyalty to the org.

    So even tho scriptures are given, the JW MUST agree that the WTS has got it right or keep their mouths shut.

    Anyone agree with this???


  • myMichelle
    They've stopped all US subscriptions and the publishers now have to deliver them.

    Not to be argumentative, but they haven't stopped all of them, perhaps they are slowly eliminating them. My subscription was renewed in December 2001 (I think, I don't have the wrapper in front of me), the expiration date if far off enough to help provide my recycling pickup people with job security for the rest of the year.


  • Atreyu

    [q]If Jehovah's organization knowingly endorsed false teachings, advice to read the Bible would never be given to Jehovah's Witnesses and those to whom they preach.[/q]

    This is purely retorics. Please remember that the JW teachings are not brand new and designed by the table the way salesmen or advertisers do when they plan a new scoop.

    JW has a nearly 130 old tradition of encouraging to (independent) Bible study, so they cannot skip that. Every new teaching is an adjustment of previous teachings, and new teachings often come to light out of circumstantial needs. (Example: The earthly class teaching of 1935 came beacuse of 1) more JWs than 144,000 and 2) a want to simplify the previous many-classes-teaching mess.)

    Every time the FDS come up with "new light" they have to consider these points in addition to the objective of the new teaching: 1) Continuity (in line with their own tradition), 2) Biblical foundation and 3) how to market it to the rank and file.

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