Where did you meet the love of your life?

by Beck_Melbourne 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • COMF

    Hey, FreePeace...

    both of us were separated from our spouses, both because of alcoholism

    Would you like to speculate on how much that alcoholism may have been a result of being a borgie? When I first got sober I insisted that it was all on me, that I had choices the same as everyone and I just made some bad ones. Now, looking back from 15 years' distance, I see that my drinking was a direct result of the intense emotional pressure and cognitive dissonance resulting from being a JW. I know that in a different set of circumstances it wouldn't have worked out that way. What about your and Think4's exes? Reckon?


    Ah, love! could you and I with Him conspire
    To grasp this sorry scheme of things entire,
    Would not we shatter it to bits--and then
    Re-mould it nearer to the heart's desire!

  • SPAZnik

    Animal - kewl! bikers rule!


  • Dawn

    Met my hubby when I was dating his best friend ...

    I'm really not that bad!! His friend and I split up, then he called me about 3 months later and asked me out to lunch. By then his friend was totally in love with a new girlfriend and didn't care. So they're still friends (whew.......!!). We've been together ever since - 12 1/2 years.

    (ps - and yes...he still has his best friend too

  • flower

    used to meet him in my dreams.

  • Francois

    Beck, if you give your number to Refiner's there's going to be BIG trouble, BIG. I confessed I was totally, like, in love with you over two weeks ago. I get your number first.

    Refiners, back off if you know what's good for you. I know where your beer store is.


  • FreePeace

    Hey Comf,

    Would you like to speculate on how much that alcoholism may have been a result of being a borgie? When I first got sober I insisted that it was all on me, that I had choices the same as everyone and I just made some bad ones. Now, looking back from 15 years' distance, I see that my drinking was a direct result of the intense emotional pressure and cognitive dissonance resulting from being a JW. I know that in a different set of circumstances it wouldn't have worked out that way. What about your and Think4's exes? Reckon?
    Yes, I agree. I believe that many JW's drink for the same reasons as you mention. It is such a shame and tragedy.

    I am so happy for you that you were able to overcome drinking. It takes more than most people realize to conquer alcohol addiction.

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  • bigfloppydog

    The love of my life and I went to highschool together, we rode on the same high school bus. We were both on at the last stop. There was no seats left for us to sit down, so we stood at the door for the remainder of a 5 min. drive to school. Later on he and his friend where looking through our high school year book, picking out a girl that they wanted to date. He picked me. We have been together now for 34 years, counting 4 years of dating. When I first saw him, I new right then and there he was the one I wanted to marry.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    I was going to watch the movie "While You Were Sleeping" but true stories are so much nicer. Even nicer when you 'sort of' know the characters.

    FreePeace...I think you and Tracey are awesome. You have shared an amazing episode from your lives...thanks for that.

    SPAZ...loved that one nighter story...loved that 'pure raw hunger look'...the only time that ever happened to me was when I walked passed the love of my life with a hotdog in my hands

    Francois...Francois...Francois...(3 times for mmmm-phasis)
    You never replied to my sensual email I'll write another one if you CHECK YOUR EMAIL from time to time


  • Valis

    I met mine in a bar many years ago. She was all bubbly and poured nicely into a pint glass. Still gives good head after all these years...


    District Overbeer

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    here!!! muahaha, just jokes

    inside the future of a shattered past

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