my dream last night....

by wonderwoman77 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • wonderwoman77

    I use to have nightmares as a kid too, I had nightmares that I was forced to take swimming lessons and when they made me jump of the diving board there was no water in the pool, I always woke up before I hit bottom.

    I have heard that you cannot die in your dreams? Anyone else heard this?

  • spender

    lucidsky: I'm able to do that...for instance, realizing that while under water, I can breathe. I used to try to do things with my eyes while dreaming, that would cause me to skip to another dream. One time in my dream I did it, and nothing happened, but the person I was talking to in my dream asked me what the heck I was doing :P Kinda freaky.

  • Solace

    I would love to be able to interpret dreams.
    I believe they could mean somthing.
    After all, didnt God also speak through dreams?

    Having a troubled childhood, I didnt graduate with my class.
    I always had dreams of not being able to find my class and being late, not finding my locker, not knowing my class schedule etc.
    Sounds dumb but they were very stressful dreams.
    After I completed high school, the dreams stopped.

    I always dream of my dead J.W.grandparents.
    In my dreams they are together, happy and content.
    I have no idea what it means. It may just be wishful thinking. I would love to believe they were trying to tell me somthing. Ya' know like they are o.k. etc.

  • LucidSky

    spender - I did it one time when I was falling down a steep stairway. I just started to float and "swim" through the air. I woke up shortly afterwards because I realized I was dreaming, but it was fun while it lasted!

  • SPAZnik

    I dreamt about someone from this board last week.


    heehee. the brain is a mysterious place.
    and always surprising.


  • SPAZnik

    Lucid that sounds kewl. i'm sure i've done that before. i've had flying dreams wherein i feel i can maneuver my direction as i sort of hover in the air about 50-75ft above ground.

    i can also protect/rescue people in my dreams...this is partly controlled by me and partly controlled by my dream.

    i also do this sort of "barefoot water-skiing" thing (minus the boat to pull me)...i guess you could call it walking on water LOL

    i must tell you sometime about my dream where i wuz a cop/rcmp/fbi agent. haha. it came complete with nightvision goggles and everything. *grin* i always catch the bad guy...and when my partner catches up (heehee) we cuff 'em. too funny.

    dreams are just as fun as real life!!!

    have you ever woken up from a dream, then gone back to sleep into the same dream?


  • zanex

    hmmm this is an intersting thread but alas, I find myself having a hard time relating...I stopped dreaming about a long time ago...only time I have ANY nighttime visions they turn out to be nightmares....oh well...


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Every few months I have vivid dreams of flying (without a plane) or jumping several stories high...boinga boinga boinga...just bouncing like a kangaroo, but HIGH or tap dancing all over the place, really good like Fred Astair. I wake up exhausted.

  • SPAZnik

    Z awww....sorry for ya! you is really missin' out. when i wuz a kid i had nightmares a lot. hope the good dreams start for ya sometime.

    DoubleEdge - EL OH EL. That has me laffing so hard i'm crying (and almost pee'd myself). I have totally had dreams like that. Ok now i have the giggles. Time to go.


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