The collapse of the WBTS? - I don't think so.

by dmouse 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • david_10

    dmouse-----You have brought up some very thought-provoking ideas. I looked at your profile, and it shows that you have attended university and gotten your degree. You're obviously quite intelligent and your post shows it. I agree with everything that you brought out and it has always been my belief that, in spite of the wishful thinking, the Society is alive and well and they aren't going anyplace for a while. However, there are two developing trends that may have a detrimental effect on their future growth plans: 1) the youth aren't staying with it, and 2) the money isn't rolling in like it used to. Combine this with the internet constantly snapping at their heels, and I think that you've got an organization that's definitely in trouble. But, as you brought out, they have survived some pretty devastating blows in the past and somehow they manage to answer the bell for another round. One crises that you didn't bring up was the shake-up at Bethel in 1980 and the resulting departure of Ray Franz. When he wrote his books and exposed the Society's very dirty laundry for the whole world to see, I would have thought that that would put the brakes on their growth. Instead, the organization has grown from 4 million to 6 million in the 20 years since all that happened. Pretty impressive, I would say.

    But still-------the kids are leaving and the money supply is drying up. They will HAVE to fix these problems, or they are in deep trouble. Time will tell.............



    THERE was an 5.5 quake in Canada/Vermont shortly before this morning soo if tne WT ORG collapses it will be because of a large quake and for no other reason..My opinion only..ME being apostate -- they could care less !! ((((HUGS))))

  • sleepy

    Actually I do think there is a good possibility of the WTBS falling.
    Ok they have got past other crises before, but there are other points to consider.
    By and large people , especially in the western world are getting more educated.Plus information is more widly available.
    This means less new converts (Bible studies can now look on the internet for example).
    Children who grow up as witnesses are not sticking to it , and most of the ones that do are not very "strong" or "Zealous".
    Most new witnesses are children of witness parents.
    The current downturn will hinder thr future potential growth.
    Although numbers have grown again after other failiures , 1975 etc , they still had the "this generation , not pass away" etc card to play , they could still scare people with time of the end is near and all that.
    The new Millennium has passed without much incident.The year 2000 was a focal point for many doomsday prophets and a focus in peoples minds.
    That barrier has now been broken, and I feel there much less fear in general about the world ending.
    The whole focus of the witnesses is on 1914 and time prophecies, when it becomes so obvious that no Armageddon is coming in the expected time frame , many more of the older ones will become dishartened , effecting in turn the young.
    Of course some will keep their faith through anything, but as a organisation the WBTS is heading for a fall.

  • ozziepost

    G'day Eyeslice and welcome aboard!

    Interesting comments you make. You have many peers on this board all sharing your observations.

    It seems no matter what part of the world we're from, the experiences are always very similar and the results are the same.

    Glad to have ya aboard.


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • Teirce

    This earthquake made it dawn on me that the WTS seems to have a faith in the overarching power of pure inanimate chaos, in the same way that Qui-Gon did in the animate Force. If things are looking too good on the world scene, and there's no nice bad news to harp on, the Qui-Gonnish among them will confidently look to the future and say, "Don't worry. I'm sure another solution will present itself." And, lo, an earthquake has been given down into their hands, and it is like manna from heaven.

  • Solace

    I personally dont expect the W.T.S to collapse any time soon.
    My current hope is that W.T.S stops enforcing doctrines that are causing death or breaking up families, such as the blood doctrine or disfellowshipment and the shunning policy etc.
    Through the years, the W.T.S. has repeatedly changed their views on many teachings so I think this is a realistic expectation.

  • waiting

    Welcome to so many newcomers!

    WTBTS? Still growing in the 3rd World countries and also in the Spanish community in the USA (would assume the same in Canada, etc.) As long as they can fight the bad PR and keep the semi-voluntary blinders on their followers......they'll keep tromping for money.

    However, I doubt if the money is in those areas - more bodies than funds. But computers in homes won't be in those areas the WTBTS will be able to continue to grow, at least for a couple of more generations.

    The children and "independent thinkers" leaving consistently will have quite an impact in the coming years......where are the local leaders to come from - as sisters are still second class?

    As for Elvis?

    Americans believe that God is dead and Elvis is alive. Author Unknown - but witty


  • greven

    I fully agree Dmouse!!

    but one can always hope. internet will be a tough nut to crack as even in primary school kids are introduced to the net and learn that it is a great research tool and not a pool of misery.


    "Fear is strange soil. Mainly it grows obedience like corn, which grows in rows and makes weeding easy. But sometimes it grows the potatoes of defiance, which flourish underground."
    -from "Small Gods" by Terry Pratchett-


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