by lotus 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Unclepenn1

    Lotus said > You have all left pre-maturely. Proverbs 4:8 says the light can get lighter and lighter," but this is for the path of the righteous ones

    lotus, can you tell me what it is about a false prophecy that is light? What light is there that 1975 would bring the end? What part of the statement, 'All governments and armies and civilizations will be destroyed by 1914 '[paraprhase]. WHERE IS THE LIGHT IN THAT?

    Answer: it is called darkness. The light is not getting brighter, the light never was.

    JESUS IS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD- not some men in Brooklyn!


  • Amazing

    Hi Lotus: Can you answer the question regarding the Discerning of the Body posed in my thread just posted a couple of hours ago?

  • monkey

    I think lotus maybe summed up his situation in a "nutshell" maybe a good counselor could sit him down and help him out of his illusions. one of the many things i never understood about the jw religions is the point of the annointed. if jehovah and jesus love us and want us with them why are they only taking such a small number of the people they created? i mean if you take that number and compare it to all the people of all time thats like a piece of sand on the beach. so what does that say about the rest of us? i guess we just stink!! we should go to earth and do gardening for a thousand years to pay for our stupidity, at least that was the way i was taught in my studies. she said for the earthly hope we would be cleaning up the earth for a thousand years and teaching. so what are the annointed doing? eating bonbons and girl scout cookies? count me in! well anyway sorry for the rambling, its late and my eyes are closing on me.

  • larc


    You seem to be a hit and run poster. You are good at giving your witness, but you are weak on return visits. How are you ever going to start a book study with any of us, if you don't make return visits?????

  • musky


    You said that only half who claim to be annointed are taken seriously by the society. I did not know this. Do you know how the society decides something like that? I thought that the decision was a totally personal one. Evidently it is not. Have you tried contacting the society and find out if you are being taken seriously as regarding being annointed? ( not that I doubt you ). That would be important, for me to know if the leaders of my religeon were taking my claims seriously.

    I enjoy your posts. musky

  • Carmel


    Your failure to respond to my private e-mail questions speaks louder than all your verbage here! Would you have preferred that I ask the questions publicly?


  • Carmel


    Please explain to me how you are able to "know" that you have not and are not suffering from dillusions of grandeur?

    inquiring minds want to know....


  • r51785
    I want to love people and do not agree the "CALL" ended in 1935.

    Disagreement with the teachings of God's one true organization places you in a league with Satan the Devil.

  • lotus

    Hello, this is Lotus, I am not suffering from delusions of Grandeur, Rather I consider myself a slave of God and a servant. Matthew 20:26,27 says, ".. whoever wants to be great among you must be your minister, and whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave." Lotus

  • flower

    I thought we had established that this was a troll?

    Ok lets go over this lesson again.

    An Internet "troll" is a person who delights in sowing discord on the Internet. He (and it is usually he) tries to start arguments and upset people.

    Trolls see Internet communications services as convenient venues for their bizarre game. For some reason, they don't "get" that they are hurting real people. To them, other Internet users are not quite human but are a kind of digital abstraction. As a result, they feel no sorrow whatsoever for the pain they inflict. Indeed, the greater the suffering they cause, the greater their 'achievement' (as they see it). At the moment, the relative anonymity of the net allows trolls to flourish.

    Trolls are utterly impervious to criticism (constructive or otherwise). You cannot negotiate with them; you cannot cause them to feel shame or compassion; you cannot reason with them. They cannot be made to feel remorse. For some reason, trolls do not feel they are bound by the rules of courtesy or social responsibility.

    Perhaps this sounds inconceivable. You may think, "Surely there is something I can write that will change them." But a true troll can not be changed by mere words.

    When you suspect that somebody is a troll, you might try responding with a polite, mild message to see if it's just somebody in a bad mood. Internet users sometimes let their passions get away from them when seated safely behind their keyboard. If you ignore their bluster and respond in a pleasant manner, they usually calm down.

    However, if the person persists in being beastly, and seems to enjoy being unpleasant, the only effective position is summed up as follows:

    The only way to deal with trolls is to limit your reaction to reminding others not to respond to trolls.

    When you try to reason with a troll, he wins. When you insult a troll, he wins. When you scream at a troll, he wins. THE ONLY THING THAT TROLLS CANT HANDLE IS BEING IGNORED

    please dont feed the trolls


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