They would spout off, the 144,000, Christ, the heavenly angels and of course the Faithful and Discrete Slave
Anointed Experience #1 - Discerning the Body
by Amazing 30 Replies latest jw friends
they 'see' NOT the parousia of christ, but their own paranoia.
sigh!!! it's so like the communist party in the former soviet union and china isn't it....
a slight comment brings interrogation & shunning... a rumour can bring expulsion and gaol... not to mention the possiblity of a firing squad..
Your body is to be sacrificed.
Hi Sidd:
"Your body is to be sacrificed."
Not quite. Justin is closer.
He asked if I "Discerned the Body".
To "discern the Body" would mean to appreciate that those who make up such a "body" are ONE in spirit and purpose, as opposed to being 144,000 individuals with diverse agendas.
Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.
By extention from the FDS the Circuit Overseer was definitely including himself as an FDS representative which shows his utter arrogance.
Hi Amazing,
I'm curious, what's the CO's name?
Nathan Natas
This thread is interesting to me because as a former JW I was taught from childhood that I was of the "other sheep." I knew a total of 3 members of th annointed, and as Amazing says, in the JW context NONE of them were loony. In fact, my memories of each of them are that they were genuinely nice people. I certainly have known members of the "other sheep" that were certifiably looney. This was back in the 50's, 60's and 70's.
One thing that makes "the annointed" unique in Dubdom is that the WTS eschews all mystical experience, as has already been mentioned, yet the experience of being "called" is NOTHING BUT mystical - it is the ultimate mystical experience within the JW context. I always wondered WHAT they felt that I COULD NOT feel, what they HEARD that I COULD NOT hear, and what caused THEM to ce selected but not ME. It was another subtle part of the "yoy're not good enough" message that I always felt I was getting, even though I was "good" JW.
I'm not even going to try to guess what the second part of the answer to the CO's question is, but I am astonished that he had the audacity and the balls to question ANYONE'S claim. I hope Brooklyn reamed him a new ostomy orifice.
Like many others here, I AM curious about what the RIGHT ANSWER is... I just think it woould be presumptuous of me to guess.
Dearest Amazing and Anewperson... may you both have peace!
May I respond to the question about 'discerning the body'? Thank you.
First, I must explain that in TRUTH, dear ones, there is only one 'christ', of which my Lord is the HEAD... and others make up his 'BODY'.
Colossians 1:18
This entity is the combined 'seed' of the Woman... God's 'free' wife, Jerusalem Above (Sarah), the SPIRIT realm (the Earth being the slave wife, Hagar). The Head has already been 'born', as the 'firstborn' from the dead. The Body, being the 'remaining ones' of that 'seed'... ('seed' being plural as well as singular...), is awaiting 'birth' as SPIRIT beings (those with 'white robes'), which will take place at the resurrection/changing of those who 'belong' to the Christ upon his 'arrival'.
Revelation 12:17
Galatians 4:26That entity, while made up of many beings (one Head, multiple members of the Body), shares ONE spirit, so that it includes my Lord and ALL of the 'chosen' ones of God, from Abel... to the last one, whomever that may be.
Ephesians 4:4
1 Corinthians 12:12-18, 27Okay, now...
With regard to 'discerning the body', I don't have a CLUE as to what the CO was looking for, but the TRUTH is that when one eats the unleavened bread one DISCERNS that it is NOT merely flour and water... but the flesh of Christ. Indeed, it may TASTE like flour and water... but when eating, one KNOWS that short of cannibalism, one is ACTUALLY eating 'lamb'... the "Lamb of God", in fact... the "bread of LIFE" that "comes down from heaven", hence, the TRUE "manna"... that sustains one's SPIRITUAL life, in the same way that the anti-typical manna eaten by the Israelites and vast mixed company sustained THEM... in the wilderness. One KNOWS this... because one eats... in FAITH. Those who do NOT know this, are not eating in faith.
John 6:48
1 Corinthians 10:1-5When one discerns the body... one discerns that it is TRUE food, which is what the flesh of Christ... the 'leaves of the Tree'... is. It is the means by which the nations are 'cured'... or have their sinful state 'reversed'.
Revelation 22:1, 2 (see NWT Ref. Bible footnote to know that it is ONE tree... the Tree of LIFE... and not 12, as the WTBTS erroneously teaches).
John 6:51
Genesis 3:22
John 14:6It is CRITICAL that one who discerns the body also SCRUTINIZE him or her self when eating. Why? Because in eating, one is accepting the flesh as a 'passover' Lamb, wherein such one is to be 'passover' in death. Death does not have a hold on such one, but passes OVER such one. If then, one wishes to be passed over, one must PASSOVER all others. If, however, one has hatred or animosity or hypocrisy in one's heart, so that the one eating JUDGES another, such one eats judgment against oneself. Why? Because "in the same way that YOU are judging, you will BE judged."
Therefore, we are admonished to PURIFY our hearts and remove from within in it ALL hypocrisy... which is 'leaven' and permeates ALL of our being.
As I said, I am not certain what the CO wished to hear, but just as I heard it from my Lord, the Son of God, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, so I have spoken it to you.
Again, I bid you peace.
Your servant and a slave of Christ,
And a merry shalom to you to, Guest