I run into 70 yr old jw's working houses, I watch how long they stand at doors with no one answering. so I come up and ask you know someone living here? you been standing at the door a long time. they tell me they they are on a mission to save anyone from getting sick and dying. I tell them I have a friend very sick in the hospital, maybe you can come save him from death. they baCK PEDDLE FAST. I go into all the jw bull about how sickness was to end in 1914, 1925, 1975 etc. I asked how many hours you counting today? they told me they don't count hours. At this point I caLLED them Straight out LIARS... he tried the light gets brighter and brightger. I laughed in his face, since he said all the gov't would be destroyed in 1914 and it happened. I had a field day with these 2 dopes. the second guy was playing it cool , watching me ring his buddy's bell, so I switch to him. he tells me other churches are involved in politics etc. I tell him the wts was a member of the U.N. . I ask him to look it up for him self. and truely test all the junk he can't back up like the generation of 1914 that he was fumbling with for 5 minutes. I finally TILTED him like a pinball machine. his eyes just glazed over and to every question he just kept saying " WE HAVE TO JUST WAIT AND SEE" . IT was sad to see they can't think off the script.
a little fun stumbling 2 jw's in fs
by JunkYardDog 24 Replies latest jw friends
Narcissistic Supply
Locutus of Borg
You sir, are a buffoon.
Captain Obvious
Congratulations, you've confined their faith for today. After all, who else gets called out and yelled at in public? Yup, it HAS to be the right religion.
JunkYardDog said:
I tell him the wts was a member of the U.N. . I ask him to look it up for him self.
You may want to look this up for yourself.
The WTS can never be a member of the U.N. because it's not actual, physical nation. Only "real nations" can be a member of the U.N. and not so called "spiritual nations".Now if you told him that the WTS was part of the NGO's that supported the U.N. that would be more believable,factual and easier to show/prove.
But all in all, maybe what you said might make one of them search "Watchtower and U.N." on the internet for some informative reading.
We can hope.
Now if you told him that the WTS was part of the NGO's that supported the U.N. that would be more believable,factual and easier to show/prove.
... and that, specifically, the WTS was an associate of the UN's Department of Public Information and had to agree to support and promote the principles contained in the UN's charter - that documentation would be available for them to check too.
Junk yard dog, well done sir.... You may have saved their life!
All you anal ass holes being pedantic, shut up and chew on a bag of salty balls. Next time you see JW's why nor report here as to whether you had the guts and decency to try to and talk to them, or whether you ducked your head and walked on. Assuming you have been brave enough to leave in the first place...
snare x
some here may think I yelled and screamed at the jw's... that's not the case, I walked them through each jw teaching point by point we spoke about. I Broke them on 1914, blood, the u.n. and other topics. It's a systamatic knowledgable dress down. I set them up on a topic, make them LIE!!! and then make them admit they lied or really don't know the teaching. the whole point of what I do is to make the jw walk away thinking is this really the true religion, did Jehoover really choose the FDS in 1914/1918 . is it really new light from what they were teaching 10- 20 -50 -100 years ago (food from jehovahs table) , or just a cover up for LIES in Jehoovers Name. I'm very effective handling most any jw . jw's are used to wearing out who they preach to ... I do the reverse I wear them out.
I broke down the wts relationship with the u.n. from Ciro ausilino (Bethel) Don Adams and Barry signing off on to become members of an NGO and how Paul Gilles (london bethel ) is still a member NGO under the european cong of jw etc. I know my stuff