Why did Jesus serve, have, aid and abet wine? For its antioxidant properties?
The metric I use is lightness of being, levity, merriment, and then beyond merry into the absurd or surreal, or diminished judgement, beyond which are altered states with diminished physical coordination. The falling down states are really for the frat boy set, because they haven't done it. The absurd or surreal is for special rare occasions where you need to take a mental vacation from the draconian limits of strict rationality. RARE, like, twice or three times a year. Merriment can be more often than that but certainly is not an object of imbibing, certainly not a goal, and can be more of a tolerable accident. Lightness of being and levity are good for any time, except, don't imbibe to maintain a buzz. A buzz has a natural beginning, a natural plateau, a natural ending. Don't abuse the natural course of the molecule in the body by chasing what is inherently ephemeral. Accept and surf the zen, then be done.