I think they know what they DON'T believe in, like no blood, no hellfire, no trinity....but they really couldn't explain what their beliefs are and WHY they believe as they do. Do you agree?
Do You Think The Witnesses Actually Know What They Believe In?
by minimus 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Ask them if they currently believe in- Pre-Trib, Mid-Trib, or Post Tribulationism.
No, I don't think they do. How could they when it keeps changing all the time? Just ask one to explain the overlapping generations thing. Probably a sizeable percentage would not know they even teach that now. You would have to show it to them in their own publications.
Narcissistic Supply
Who is the rocket scientist that thought this one up!!!
Absolutely not! I remember being in a car group with the C.O.B.E. It was summer, and the car windows were rolled down. A cyclist stopped at the car and asked what the current belief on "This Generation" was (Was that one of you guys?) Anyway, the C.O.B.E. spit out the "Overlapping Generation" "idea" as if he was reading it from the WT. After, a long-time pioneer sister said, "Oh, Brother S****, I'm so glad you were here to explain that! We wouldn't have known what to say! (Speak for yourself sister. )
Everytime it came around to January and time to renew our Non-Blood Medical Management cards, at least one sister would ask me to explain fractions and other various "conscience matters". They didn't have a clue.
No they don't since the gb is very good at slipping changes in under the radar. They like to create the impression that new light isn't really new it is something that has been doctrine for a long time and not a sharp change of thought or direction. As a witness they got so much past me especially after I had the children, Jesus not being my mediator, the change to the baptism questions, changes in the generation teaching it was laughable. I was deluding myself if I thought I knew te actual doctrine.
Mr Fool
They say that their belief is on a higher level than just believing: they KNOW, it´s a feeling of knowing.
It´s interesting that they see the way to knowledge like this:
1. Open minded for the bible
2. A conviction
3. A deep and untouchable belief
4. "divine" feeling of knowing. Finished!
That is scary.
i dont think i did
Lol! Nugget! You are right! The "New Light" was a little dim in those early child-raising years! They did slip the baptismal question change and the Jesus was not my mediator by me too. I didn't find that out until I joined JWN! I did keep up on the "This Generation" foolishness, since that was my hubby's bug-a-boo!
Can I ask what the baptism question change is? I was baptized at 15 in 1988.