"Giving Makes You Happy" jw.org video for kids

by Scully 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    WHY is this video even needed?

  • Scully


    This is part of a series on the jw.org website targetting children, called 'Be Jehovah's Friend' or something like that. It's where the original Caleb & Sparlock video is located.

    We could have some fun with this one.

    Sure, "giving makes me happy"...

    • Why don't they show Caleb's mom putting some things from her grocery order into the local Food Bank bin?
    • Why don't they show Caleb's dad going to the blood donor clinic and rolling up his sleeve?
    • Why don't they show Caleb's sister picking vegetables from their garden and giving them to the elderly lady next door?
    • Why don't they show the whole family spending an afternoon at the soup kitchen feeding homeless people?
    • Why don't they show Caleb's family deciding who to invite over to dinner - should it be the Circuit Overseer? or the single mom who's barely making ends meet?
    • Why don't they show Caleb's mom knitting a shawl for a cancer patient in hospital?

    Because those aren't the ways the WTS wants JWs to be "giving", are they?

  • zound

    It just goes to show that everything Watchtower touches is messed up. If you watch the other video on stealing, it's like they ALMOST got it right. It was ALMOST an innocent message, but then they went and added: "don't steal because if you do, Jehovah won't be your friend."

    Not a good reason Watchtower. The golden rule would have sufficed.

  • exwhyzee

    The video is a far cry from the scary pictures they used to have in the literature that we used to see when we were kids. Even so, it seems like the WTBTS is damned if they do, dammed if they don't. No matter what they do, I am suspect of them now. For me, I don't like the idea that an organization with an agenda, is priming children with these seemingly innocent songs and stories to grow up to become their future customers. They are training them early to be lulled into thinking whatever the organization tells them, is good and true. Once they've spent years beleiving this, their lives will be so enmeshed in the organization, there will be devestating concequences should they want to look outside the postage stamp sized world they've been raised in. Somehow in Bible times, children were raised to know God's word without extra curricular literature, coloring books, videos and other products.

    JW parents will love these videos because all they have to do is plunk their kid down in front of a TV and let the video program them to be obedient and compliant to whomever is in charge. Kids like this are so much easier to deal with than children who feel free to express their own thoughts or who are able to defy authority when they realize something is wrong. It's Watchtower sanctioned, so it's guilt free electronic baby sitting.

  • wasblind

    Tell it Scully

    And nevermind bein' a volunteer for Habitat for humanity.

    Who needs to build shelter in this system.

    When the new system will be here before the first frost

    and we can choose any house we coveted while out in field service ;)

    Until then The Jehovah's witnesses encourage you to bump your gums in a study til the kingdom come

  • rmt1

    I don't recall any sort of media, as a child in the seventies and early eighties, so passively indoctrinating with lessons learned from modern passification, baby-sitting, parental dereliction that have cropped up in the last decade. No comparison. With the My Book of Bible Stories, and a 7/8/9 year old brain, you could get sucked into another world through the well-done artwork and digestible content. These here short films are modern-day dramas from the DC boiled down to a soundbite worth of scarce insight. I always enjoyed the historical dramas as being THE escape or repreive from the general boredom of the DC, and always hated the modern-day dramas as being too immediate, too in your face, too preachy. Does jw.org do any historical cartoon/dramas for the kids? That would be evidence they at least gave a crap about engaging a genuine sense of wonder.

  • hamsterbait

    I remember a book study one Tuesday evening.

    Part way through, the doorbell rang. It was a guy collecting for the annual Christian Aid campaign.

    Brother: "we dont believe in giving to charity, as this world is passing away"

    Guy: "but even Jesus said to help the needy"

    Brother: "I am sorry we are Jehovahs Witnesses, and right now we are in the middle of a Bible study." (slam)



  • wasblind

    With my book of Bible stories , and a 6/7/8 year old brain , you could get suck into another world through the well done art work and digestable content_____ rmt1

    LOL are you kiddin' me

    There's not a thing that come from brooklyn that's digestable. It's all been recalled at one time or another

    for the life of me I can't see how you could praise a book specifically geared to scare a young child shitless

    Oh yea. That well done art work that depicts babies bein hung upside down and threatened wit a sword

    people bein' drowned , another man about to sacrifice his kid

    LOL. The perfect bed time story to give a child one HELLof a night

    The WTS don't have the good sense to know what age appropriate is

    and that those childrens nerves will be shot before they reach thier teens

  • rmt1

    I know I should be on guard against armchair quarterbacking to the cognitive environment of a 6/7/8 yo in 1980 and that of a 6/7/8 yo in 2013. I'll assume by your vitriol that you were alive in 1980 and would have something to say about how much media the typical 6/7/8 yo had access to. Leaving aside your assessment of how good or bad TWS content is for one's mental, emotional, cognitive, psychological, psychiatric, spiritual, ontological health, which I did not specifically pontificate upon myself in that particular paragraph, I think the odds are high that you would agree with me that the JW child default media of today (videos with jingles) are inferior in mental stimulation to the JW child default media of decades ago. You do not have to consume time arguing a strawman that I claim JW media has ever been cognitively stimulating. You might, however, agree that in a resource-starved environment, a creature adapts to less inputs, makes the most of something, gets by with what it has. Like the difference between meth and lean. For a JW child of 1980, who did not have access to other stimulants, I contend, or claim, that My Book of Bible Stories was a decent piece of media for allowing some kinds of mental engagement or escape. You can react allergically to that claim, and I do laugh along with you, but I'm not making that claim outside the context of comparison to this present form of JW child media.

  • wasblind

    I contend, or claim, that my Book of Bible Stories was a decent piece of media for allowing some kinds of mental engagement or escape____rmt

    Now I am LMAO. Makes me wonder if serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer read the same book

    Parents have to be mindful on how to introduce certain things to a child. Even if it's from the Bible

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