To me it was a confirmation of what I had suspected for a long time with WT leaders but after reading COC - it put it in writing so my doubts were confirmed. It was very well written by Ray and I agree it's his greatest service he did for humanity while he was alive by writing those two books. MISSCONFUSED - enjoy your freedom of mind and gaining access to information that was hidden from you and all of us for all these years. Take care
CoC - Almost half way...
by MissConfused 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I have to agree, Ray's two books did it for me too. It brought it ALL out in the open. TTATT at its best.
Hi MC- I'am about half way through the book too and feel the same as you about reverse witnessing! I haven't figured out yet if I will read his second books next or Combatting Cult Mind Control. I've been on an emotional roller coaster reading this one while still attending the meetings. I think I may need read CCMD next. Have you considered which, if any you plan to read next?
Thanks guys.. i havent been attending any meetings after i started reading Ray's books and have started reading 'worldly' books again instead of watch-torture crap.. my next is gonna be CCMC
Iown Mylife
CoC set me free. OH my gosh, the crap I allowed myself to endure for so many years - I'm so glad it's over. From reading his book I got a sure feeling that Ray Franz must have been a tremendously compassionate person. To tear away the drapes and let everyone in on the fact that the WT is just a big printing concern. He is a hero and by writing that book helped me and my family get our lives back.
brilliantly candid and honest book. a gentle man writing from his own truthful has so many authenticated references to watchtower material inc letters etc... I found it a real revelation. just wished I had read it earlier in my jw captive years.
the challenge he put at his introduction quoting proverbs 18:13 made me read on, despite it coming from an "apostate" source, he pleaded readers to have an open mind...a very precious book