What is more important? Money or the message?

by snare&racket 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    Imagine the dilemma..... You have a message to spread, but spreading it may cost you money when selling your property as your message is a little embarassing and weird.... Do you paint over it and secure the sale or leave it be and stand by your message in the hope it saves even one more life?

    It really isn't the same religion I grew up in! People have died defending and spreading that message from Brooklyn, a message that they would now paint over for the sake of a building sale..

    'Watchtower removes signs from it's building"


    Does it really make sense to peoole that still believe the god of the universe is communicating to mankind from an american factory in Brooklyn? Ps. He has taken his sign down now! The one promoting his autobiography.....

  • Finkelstein

    As witnessed by the WTS. publishing house the message can become adulterated when

    commercialization is intertwined with that message. 1874, 1914 , 1925 , 1975

    the end times, Armageddon etc.

  • label licker
    label licker

    I remember being told by a bethel overseer that the reason why watchtower was in Brooklyn was so everyone could see such a grand witness from miles away. Now how is anyone going to see their witnessing work in Warwick. Will the poor realise where their donations are going if they knew Brooklyn bought half a lake with their donations. Here in Ontario you can not buy half a lake. I suppose they need a private beach to go with their witnessing work. All for show

  • Scully

    label licker.. I'm sending you a PM.

  • rmt1

    "Brooklyn bought half a lake"

    I'm curious if this was a condition of sale. I.e., was it impossible to parcel the lot smaller? Is there any real value to lake property, itself? Can they use it for boating or recreation? Just seems bizarre, like an attempt to build one of the paradise cartoons, but to never actually live that real paradise. Like they're ok, just ok, being stuck in a spiritual paradise but 'faking' living in a physical paradise, constructed, painted, landscaped to spec. (I cannot imagine bros and sis' going swimming in that area.)

  • FadeToBlack

    Regarding the lake. If you notice the JW calendar for this year, especially for July/August, you will notice the sailing vessels. This is apparently the only approved mode of transportation besides walking in the new system (maybe horses and elephants). I figure instead of Gilead school they are going to open a school that provides sailing lessons in order to be prepared.

  • prologos

    water front/view properties are always choice. A living zone, where diversity of life meets. . a defensive moat. More light reflecting off the waterin winter with low sun. . Higher appreciation for future sales. Great for shooting, filming "walking on water", fishing scenes for photo drama of creation #3. Seaplanes for tackoff into the prevailing westerly wind. baptisms a la nature? walking on thin, near NJ, ice? closest site to annual octoberfest meeting site, the restored NJ Stanley theater.

    add to the list

    if something is missed.

    Money is for protection, so buy a protecting property

  • snare&racket

    They need a pool to dump their toxic waste in, Watchtower would be dumb to just throw it in a field again...... harder to find under water no?

  • transhuman68

    LOL, maybe back in Rutherford's day the message was important, as he wanted to 'advertise, advertise, advertise' etc. etc, but for the last 40-50 years it has been the real estate that has been important- so important, in fact, that a little drawing of the Brooklyn buildings was on the first page of all WTS books. It could have been a picture of anything- Jesus, God, Paradise... even a picture of the humble 'publishers' going door-to-door... but no, it was the real estate. That shows where their hearts were. Now the corporation is changing, and they are building their new 'dream' compound in the country; the mark of a successful business venture. The message? Who cares? It went out-of-date in the last years of the 20th century anyway.

  • mP

    lakes make it easier to guard the property with the added bonus of being nice too look at.

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