Where in the Bible does it talk about an earthly Paradise as the JW's teach, and why only the JW's will be there?
by slam 14 Replies latest jw friends
Psalms, Isaiah, and Ezekiel.
JWs do not teach that only JWs will be in Paradise.
Have you ever studied with a JW.
It doesnt say it in any bible, not even in the JW bible.
The meek will inherit the *land* was changed to earth. Also 'I tell you today yours will be the kingdom of heaven' was changed to .... I tell you today, you will be with me in paradise.
That is what all those promises are based on.
They are the only christian religion teaching it, not suprisingly, it wasnt even a JW teaching until half way through JW existence, to explain away why more than 144,000 people were members. Even on the JW.ORG website they have a page on their core beliefs, the only one section without a scripture in it is the one that announces this doctrine, as there are no verses that say it. You need unscriptural Watchtower ideas surrounding that verse for it to make even a hint of sense.
Also 'I tell you today yours will be the kingdom of heaven' was changed to .... I tell you today, you will be with me in paradise.
Where is this, Snare? Every version of the bible that I have seen says 'with me in paradise'. Unless you are thinking of a different verse algether. Just curious, thanks!
snare- not true,see the Jewish Encylopedia and its scriptural references. Many christian denominations teach eternal life on earth- Catholics, Presbyterians etc. only Lutherans and a few others in the mixed Evangelical camp teach 'heaven only'.
I read a book not to long ago that said the jews had no concept of an afterlife in heaven... the thought didnt come about till the time of Daniel.
Something about their afterlife being their children and their legacy. So I can't remember too much right now but i will look it up.
To be fair JWs don't ever actually say that only JWs will be able to live forever on earth. That being said it is HEAVILY implied.
Only righteous will inherit the earth- to be righteous you must be in close association with God's spirit directed organization. They say that they are said organization. In fact when you are baptized as a JW you are baptized in the name of Jehovah, Jesus, and God's spirit directed organization.. lol WOW!
To be elegible for everlasting life you must be involved in righteous works- they say that based on scriptures that they are "spearheading" the preaching of god's kingdom today and no other religion does that. God's spirit directed organization is organizing this work today. Guess who..
I could go on and on but whats the point. They don't teach that only JWs will survive armageddon but they do. Go figure that one out.
Many years ago Jws made a joke about explaining this doctrine in one visit with a householder. We called it the "From Adam to Armageddon sermon". The explanation ,in a nutshell was: The first human pair lived in Paradise with the prospect of living forever. They disobeyed Gods test of faith, they were ousted from the garden and died. God then decided to send Jesus to the earth to tell the good news that his death as a perfect man would pay the price for Adamic sin. This makes it possible for believers to be restored to gods favor and live in paradise as was gods origional purpose for the earth. Psalm 37:10,11 29 are read. Where at least the NWT says forever on earth. The wicked will be destroyed (at Armageddon Rev 16:16) so that paradise won't be messed up by mean people. At this point wicked is up to the mind of the listener. Of course, eventually they are taught the definition of wicked is ANYONE who doesn't get in the symbolic "Ark of Salvation" (parallel to Noah's day yada yada) which they identify as Gods visible organization to wit: Jehovah's Witnesses.so......There is a lot of assuming done in this explanation but it sounds good and at one time or another most of us bought it.
confused- strictly reading the Torah a Jew would not believe in an afterlife, this developed later on in their culture. This is what seperated the Sadducees (strict adherents to the Torah) from the Pharisees who did believe in an afterlife and an earthly paradise (Gan Eden).
To be fair JWs don't ever actually say that only JWs will be able to live forever on earth.
That being said it is HEAVILY implied.
We`re not saying only JWs will be able to live forever on earth...But..
Only JWs will be able to live Forever on Earth.