@losingit- I'll definitely post any updates! I wonder if I'll get any response at all.
Letter to BOE re: baptism of my minor children
by Michelle365 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Forbidding teenagers to do something? Good luck...
I think its great to express your wishes in writing - I would maybe request the elders written agreement to respect your request.
Education is your best ally - there are some excellent books on critical thinking available.
As one poster on here pointed out, post-baptism there is no further agreement sought on the contract you make by baptism. Failure to agree with any future Watchtower request, no matter how crazy or even life-threatening, will see them DF'd and shunned. Is that what they really want to commit to?
A unilateral contract is madness in these circumstances. Ask your kids to imagine the reverse position:
"I will become a baptised Jehovahs Witness once you have delivered me everlasting life on a paradise earth"
Oh but it doesn't work like that with Watchtower God...really?
@besty hahaha. I know. I struggled with that. I don't want to be like the JWs and FORCE the kids one way or the other. But I also felt that even if they may be mad now, I at least tried to save them the heartache later should they chose the leave the cult. I don't even really think the letter will work, but wanted to feel like I did all I can do.
I am working on educating them and showing them a life outside of the JW religion and teaching them to reason but as we know it's hard. Especially when my ex and his whole family on brainwashing them the other way.
Here's a parable, Michelle, that may give you encouragement:
Kindness always wins.
Michelle I love this letter- good for you, as you are going on the offense. As mentioned, it will do little good unless the legal angle is invoked as the elders and the whole JW congregation are above the laws of man and certainly above your wishes that the children not be pressured into baptism. You are just another "ignorant wordly person" that will soon die at Armageddon and they believe they will be saving your children by dunking them into the JWs.
I have completely de-programmed my two children over the last couple years and they now will never agree to baptism as their mother continues to urge them to do. It CAN be done- many others on here have been successful at it as well. PM me if you want to chat, and please let us know how things develop.
Eric B aka Ray P
Happy said, "I would perhaps word it that 'legally' they are not old enough and that you will seek legal advice should your children decide to go ahead."
I concur, unfortunately, threatening to seek legal advice is one thing most JW elders recognize. Perhaps you could infer that you have already consulted with legal advice and they suggested this simple letter.
Thanks everyone. I really appreciate all the feedback. I added this paragraph in at the end---
Please forward your response to either my physical address or email address listed above. Please note, I have “cc’d” my attorney and the Jehovah’s Witnesses branch in New York on this correspondence, should my rights be ignored and this matter proceeds to litigation.
JW GoneBad
Awesome letter Michelle365!
A 'cc' to your attorney isn't threatening and yet will serve the purpose of making them think twice in their screwing around with you and your wishes!
Wish you well you loving & caring mom, you!
Hope it works. Curious about this. I'll be following the story.