So a ONE TIME BUSINESS deal is ok? LOL!!! So... if I visit a Harlot just once and get the full monty then I can be excused as well?! Hypocritical morons!
New Zealand headquarters: Witnesses sell, Elim buys
by Fe2O3Girl 43 Replies latest jw friends
If a rank and file member ( a jehovahs witness in good standing ) had anything to do with any christian religion , either in a work related role or a social role , they would be counselled and reproved if not worse and told to cease all contacts with them or appear before a judiciary comittee to be reproved or disfellowshipped. Which has happened many times before
The WTB&TS has on so many occasions shown themselves to be flexible with their own rules when money is to their advantage.
Many good points!
The wts is desperate for money.
I expect many more branch offices will be sold.
Perhaps the major branches and printeries will be sold to the Catholic church?
It might be a good project to find out what all the former branches are being used for now, get pictures and post them on the web.