Remember the ethnic food stands? It was very cool. Even at the Lamert Park assembly hall, the French contingency would serve additional French food. Hollywood Park was also a great venue.
Does Anyone Remember the "Around The World Assemblies"?
by titch 63 Replies latest jw experiences
Dagney- Rolling Stones Bridges To Babylon at the Rose Bowl, definitely a very different song set from ATWA
Indeed it was d. Wasn't there like Hells Angels sitting behind us?
Anyhoo, I'm still ascared of those oleander bushes.
I can remember the 1969 International Convention in NYC. My father was baptized at that assembly and I followed a few years later. Anyway I have a copy of the "Report on the Everlasting Good News Assembly of JWs Around the World June 30 - September 8, 1963" , which my Grandparents attended in NYC. For Pasadena CA it stated : 118,447 Attendance , 81,082 adopted Resolution, 2,496 baptized, and 43 lands represented.
St George of England
@mouthy - crumpet is English slang for a hot girl or a good looking female. A nice bit of crumpet.
That year at Twickers I worked at the convention in the News Service department. I had to be there before the sessions began and worked through until long after they finished. Most people had left by the time I had finished. Never again.
I just googled the term crumpet and it mentioned that in some parts of England the term crumpet is used for a toilet brush. I had never heard that before. I was under the impression you cleaned the 'netty' with a 'liggie'.
PS In some parts of England a crumpet is what you toast in front of the fire and eat with butter. We called them 'pikelets'
I thought it was "strumpet".
St George of England
'strumpet is a tart', a lady of low morals, even a prostitute. Brazen to use new WTS terminology!
So a crumpet is classier than a strumpet. Got it.
I guess I was at Yankee Stadium in New York that year. I can't believe what we went through. I must admit, today, with most places be air-conditioned, is so easy compared to the past.
We had about an hour drive to the train station in the morning. Then an hour on a subway. You sat through sweltering heat. Then, at 9PM when the sessions ended (or more likely 10PM if Freddy was giving the last part) the whole process in reverse. Except at night you had 70,000 or more people crowding to the subways at the same time. Typically an hour to even get on the subway.
We usually got home after mid-night and then up in the morning to start all over again. And sweat you butt off in hard wooden seats. You would literally pray for a thunderstorm to roll through and soak you to cool off.
And back then, most assemblies were at least 4-5 days. 7-8 days on "special" years.
The good old days .... lmao.
Rub a Dub
Yup, I remember vividly that 8 day Pasadina convention in 63. I was 11. My father went on the trip around the world with his best friend and my future stepfather. My mother refused to go with him on the trip so I lost out on the once -in- a- lifetime experience to travel the entire world. After being gone over 30 days on the trip my dad met up with my mom and a bunch of other relatives at the final convention of the series at Pasadina. I almost didn't recognize my dad because he had lost 40 pounds on the trip. He had a severe heart condition and had gotten very sick. As usual, mom was completely indifferent to his illness. My parents dragged their press-on seats, umbrellas, thermos bottle, and me every miserable day. The biggest highlight for me was always the snow-cones. LOL