Are your Ready for Sunday's WT...1914...

by Legacy 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • AndDontCallMeShirley
    If JC's ARRIVAL didn't occur in 1914 or 1919 then the "last days" could not have started either.

    WT officially taught until 1943 that Jesus returned in 1874 and the "last days" began in 1799.

    WT's dates and doctrines are to the religious world what Velveeta is to fine dining.

  • 3rdgen

    ADCMS, Of course, but I'm curious what they believe this week because I have to deal almost daily with my dubbie MIL.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Glander.............. Thanks, That was sooooooooo, happifying! lol Just Lois

  • insearchoftruth4

    Glander............ FANTASTIC!

  • clarity

    Doesn't matter if you are ready or not ...for the WT study!




    Because it is rigged! It is a set-up!

    Every paragraph has been fiddled-with!

    You cannot win!


    Why? ............. really, it is such a simple proceedure.


    Because they give you all the A N S W E R S. ..... But....


    They also give you ...... the Q U E S T I O N S!


    The questions determine which direction your mind 'should' go.


    No other questions allowed!


    The answers are word for word from the paragraph.

    No discussion! No contradicting proof allowed!


    The intent of the audience has been circumvented!

    Wt has baffled, thwarted and dodged around them

    once again!


    Try to truthfully answer the question in your own words!

    Should be fun ....plse post the pictures!


  • sammielee24

    Is there a scan of the article being disussed?

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    They should have dropped 1914 in the late 1940s when Rutherford passed. But Fred Franz was a believer and framed his own disaster with the 1975 false prediction.

  • AnnOMaly

    Glander - you made my hubby splurt out his coffee! This is exactly what the GB have been doing these past few years - emphasizing loyalty and obedience to them even if decisions/changes are not understood. There have been many significant, even volte face, changes but I wonder if all along they've been gearing up to this BIG ONE.


    "complicate to profit, simplify for results". ...

    ... WT has deliberately complicated a simple parable and made it impossible for the lay-JW to understand without the "expert" guidance of the GB. It's sheer genius.

    Yes! You've nailed it.

  • Apognophos
    ADCMS, Of course, but I'm curious what they believe this week because I have to deal almost daily with my dubbie MIL.

    3rdgen, the teaching is now that Jesus' presence (still) began in 1914, then he began inspecting his household, then he appointed the GB (who didn't exist yet) over his domestics (who are now the great crowd and the anointed remnant) in 1919, (then he somehow went away on business as the parable relates,) then at the time of the great tribulation he will return, appoint the GB (so they assure us) over all his belongings, take all the anointed remnant to heaven ("Thank you for flying Rapture Airlines"), then the end will come.

    Phew, did I get that right, everyone?

    They should have dropped 1914 in the late 1940s when Rutherford passed.

    They sure should have. I still suspect that the real BIG ONE (AnnOMaly) is going to be the dropping of 1914, but it's hard to see how this adjustment can be made without losing a lot of membership.

  • 3rdgen

    Thanks Apog. So if I understand corectly, 1914 has NOT been officially dropped-yet. This latest bowl of oatmeal is simply regarding the GB right?

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