I'm absolutely furious about it! No message, just deletes me from his friends list-- which is fine.... but I can't even *message* him. Funny, the bum of a BIL just had his district convention in his home country, which he attended with his mother and father. He even had a countdown going. Mindless drone must have decided to cut me off after the hate speech heheard spewed from the platform! I fed this kid, clothed this kid,exercised with this kid, picked him up and dropped him off at work, gave him a place to call home...and an unceremonious block. No goodbye. No thank you. No good luck. I LOVE IT! Classic!
after sending him a Fb message to be a *true*brother to his brother, my BIL BLOCKED ME!
by losingit 19 Replies latest jw friends
That's what happens to people who hand their mind, heart and soul over to satan.
It's pathetic! I'm truly shocked by it! Not even my "spiritual mother" has cut me off on FB. she even sent me a messa g e when a loved one passed recently. Others who know I'm df'd have kept me on as well. The block was unnecessary. But I guess his faith is that weak. Just sad.
He will need you again someday...just wait...he will be back. Sorry you are justifiably upset right now.
Here's my problem with it, too-- fb was how the girls stayed in contact with their dad's side of the family. Now, poof! That's gone. N more pics of their grandkids bc he blocked me. Ohhhh how dumb! Senseless, truly. Such a loss for everyone. Just goes to show that true love does not exist ambgst the Witnesses. They are definitely a true witness of that!
Been there. It sucks. Sorry that it's happened to you.
Julia Orwell
I'm sad for you mate. You deserved an explanation after such a close bond.
It's infuriating cause he would well know the painful impact on you. Your most effective response? Above all else, preserve your personal dignity and vow to lead a happy, fulfilling life. That speaks so powerfully to cultists who expect you to suffer and plead for explanations and the milk of human kindness. You deserve better than to be shunned. Use the pain and hurt as motivators to focus on a positive life direction. Be happy - remember: Never give the JWs opportunities to declare: "See! We were right about him/her."
I'm happy to be able to vent here, and receive support from those who understand. It is sad, but in the end, it is okay. Not everyonevvalues their relationships. This is a life-long lesson I am learning. He is not the first, nor will he be the last to drop me when the goibg gets rough. I always manage to survive. And even better, Ialways manage to come out on top.
I declare, life is good! Noone is taking that away from me!
My brother that does not attend meetings and does not believe any of it,
unfriended me because I talk smack about his parents religion.