Oh....I guess, "taught some really crazy stuff" should have given it away.
Questions from Readers ... In light of the new understanding of the Faithful and Discreet Slave, is it appropriate to refer to C.T. Russell as Brother Russell?
by mindnumbed 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yes, and "unrighteous riches". The devil is in the details Otherwise it's a very plausible article.
Russell did not believe in "the occult" and he condemned practices related to "the occult".
However, if what Russell taught is the truth, then what the WTS today is teaching is not the truth. The WTS no longer teaches the "good news of great joy that will be for all the people" that Russell preached. In effect, they now preach a message that is "bad tidings of great woe for most of the people that they and their children will be eternally destroyed in Armageddon". Their message is almost the opposite of what Russell taught. -
Charles Taze Russell an enigma wrapped in a conundrum.
Claiming no special revelations, while claiming special revelations. Sorta like the GB claiming to be inspired by God while disclaiming to be inspired.
Russell was a charismatic figure, but claimed no special revelation or vision for his teachings and no special authority on his own behalf. [5] He stated that he did not seek to found a new denomination, but instead intended merely to gather together those who were seeking the truth of God's Word "during this harvest time". [6][7][8] He wrote that the "clear unfolding of truth" within his teachings was due to "the simple fact that God's due time has come; and if I did not speak, and no other agent could be found, the very stones would cry out." [9] He viewed himself—and all other Christians anointed with the Holy Spirit—as "God's mouthpiece" and an ambassador of Christ. [9] Later in his career he accepted without protest that many Bible Students viewed him as the " faithful and wise servant " of Matthew 24:45, [10] and was described by the Watch Tower after his death as having been made "ruler of all the Lord's goods". [10
Neutrality [ edit ]
This article is mostly based on the Watchtower's publications. It should be completed with more critical point of views like Penton's. Topics like the marriage and controversies are sometimes presented in a not neutral way. For example, saying "according to official records, gross receipts from the fundraiser totaled "about $1800" (current value $45,000), of which Russell himself did not get a penny" is most probably inaccurate, as any money put in his society was his money anyway. So I suggest to use Penton and other historians rather that Watchtower's publications. ChercheTrouve (talk) 20:49, 23 October 2013 (UTC)
The same problem exists with the Jehovah's Witness article, at least the history part of it. Some dishonest people monitor that to remove, for example, detail about Russell's failed predictions of the world ending, and the less flattering things done in response to each. Something needs to be done about this kind of corruption of the wiki. — Kaz (talk) 19:23, 20 March 2014 (UTC)
Hey you can't get rid of the Judge that easy. He was the one at headquarters that Jesus found having a good heart in 1919. How do we know that? Well, Jesus chose him. Case closed