The Watchtower Society started out as a loose nit and totally independant agglomeration of customers who
bought books and magazines.
What they did with them was their own business. Whatever else they did additionally
was their own business.
Mix and match. Cherry pick buffet. Some or none.
How much damage could those magazines and books create in individuals under no compulsion whatsoever?
Little or none.
But, that benign status quo did not last.
The Watch Tower wasn't just publishing opinions for very long.
A central figure emerged whose stylings provoked more than an audience of readers.
Charles Russell became a charismatic figure whether he wanted to be or not.
We can ask ourselves why so large a number of people can be attracted to a man or his writings, but, we would be
missing a more important question. Where was the need of such?
The people who became known rather dismissively as "Russellites" had a great human NEED that Russell filled.
These people wanted/needed a leader to tell them what to do, how to think, and in so doing, to relieve them of personal responsibility of how to figure things out for themselves.
Once a human being turns their autonomy "off" they are organic robots.
Persuasion is done; programming begins.
Russell thought of himself as a Shepherd or Pastor although he had not qualified himself the way a medical doctor
must qualify through university studies and practice.
This is an important quality to notice and magnify and to study because it reveals an infection present in his personality.
What infection?
Charles Taze Russell was willing to think of himself as SUPERIOR to his contemporaries. He was above going to Seminary.
He could wave away accreditation. He was a little rich kid, after all and things came easily to him. Noblesse oblige.
What did Russell do?
I want you to look up this word in the dictionary: ARROGATE.
Russell arrogated to himself whatever qualification were necessary to be a religious leader.
That word, arrogate, is a cousin to another word: arrogant. And yet, seldom does anybody claim he was anything
but meek, mild and lowly of mind.
We might look at how he treated his wife so cunningly to determine how accurate that truly is.
Be that as it may...what he left behind when he died was like a test tube full of virus.
J.F. Rutherford snatched that virus and modified it into a plague.
We all know what happened.
Everything Rutherford controlled became contaminated.
Most of the independant Bible Students and other "Russellites" couldn't stand him, his personality or his
arrogations because---he was obnoxious. He wasn't as good an actor as Russell was.
Rutherford had no patience for the meek, mild and lowly facade.
Rutherford was sued by Olin Moyle and lost a lawsuit that ended up costing thirty thousand dollars. You know how much that
is in today's money? Adjusting for inflation: $377,894.83. Later, this was reduced to half.
Rutherford had shot off his mouth in print and libeled Moyle and did not get away with it.
Rutherford fits the profile of a sociopath and the damage he caused is available for the person willing to undertake the search.
Suffice to say, many families and individuals were damaged by what Rutherford claimed was TRUTH and yet, it was only his contaminated opinion.
The Watchtower Society is still infected by Rutherford's personality and style of dealing with people.
It seeks, through policies and doctrines, to bully others into compliance or submission and it attacks
those who speak out against rough treatment and unfairness by labeling them Apostate.
The organic robots of Jehovahville are programmed to infect others with mindless obedience to Authority.
Loyalty trumps rational thought.
The individual is anathema.
Independence must be blotted out.
Many of the escapees and rejects and thought criminals from the WTS have gathered at Discussion groups all over the
World Wide Web to compare notes.
We know what the score is.
Each of us acts in defiance in our own way.
I personally, have chosen to write about the malignancies of leadership.
I have just finished my book and have placed the actions of the Society in context, historically, in comparison with other denominations.
No thinking person could turn away from the evidence as it exists.
We can only seek to educate others as best we can by shining a bright spotlight on the evil deeds of an Organization claiming to be something it is not.
We must re-educate any JW with doubts. All we can do is let them view the facts. The rest is up to them.
The "on/off" switch in the organic robots of Jehovahville must be sought and activated.
We want our friends back. We want our family free. We want freedom of speech for thinking people who only want
to do the right thing absent the Watchtower's jack-booted bullying.
What is our call to action?
Each of us does what we can. That's all it takes.