a chip off the old block
My Daughter Is Having Her Own Apostofest With 30 "Inactive" JWs At A Local Restaurant Saturday Night
by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends
Gopher, the ones that come in and leave,
they are serving Jehovah for the wrong reasons (don't know what wrong reasons, just wrong)
they are being sifted out
Jehovah didn't draw them ;D
Sounds like a very enjoyable evening and I don't think they will have a sing a long of kingdome songs. I hated get togethers that sang kingdom songs
I would love that. Wish there was a weekly meeting with exjws I could attend
I am a stay at home mom and miss having a network.
Nathan Natas
That's GREAT! It's like an anti-congregation! The greatest damage done by the Watchtower is via the ostracism brought by "shunning."
With a nice-sized support group like this, wavering JWs can tell the Judicial Committee to go pound spiritual sand.
Excellent! I'm happy for each and every one of them!
Nathan Natas
Bob_NC said, " Jehovah didn't draw them ;D"
...reminds me of Jessica Rabbit, who said, "I'm not BAD, I'm just drawn that way."
MINIMUS- This is just really, really great to see your daughter doing this ! I'm sure you're very proud of her. You should be. If more ex-JW's would do this in their communities it will build even more of a support system around the globe. On a personal level in each community. Good for us, bad for the WT Society. And that's a good thing
Flipper, a few years ago, I believe she would have been very reticent to do this. But she facebooked and the rest will be history tonight!
label licker
Too bad all of us couldn't be there sitting around those thirty and then when we hear them bash the society we could pretend that we are witnesses. They wouldn't know who we are. Would love to see what they would say to all of us. And have my friend from ABC news film it all.
Awesome! I'd love to start something like that where I live. Kinda like the Red Hat Society for ex Jws. Lets see, we could call it Broads without Bookbags unless someone has a better name.