July 2013 WT Sunday ? Who is now the FDS ?

by Legacy 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • neverendingjourney
    I still want to know how 8 members of the FDS can suddenly start teaching something new (i.e. That they alone are the FDS) without it being apostasy.

    One can argue that all doctrinal changes have been apostasy since all of them have been decided exclusively by the governing body (at least since that body came into existence in more or less its current form).

  • Vidiot

    Any change requires a super-majority (minimum 67%) vote, in fact (none of that close-margin victory crap) - which virtually guarantees that progressive reform is all but impossible and/or that one or two dominating/charismatic personalities can and will steer the ship however and wherever the hell they want.

    It's a near-perfect recipe for short-term success, but an almost textbook example for long-term (and permanent) decline and failure.

  • JustHuman14

    I left WT, back in 2000, and officially I was disfellowshiped for apostasy in 6 years after. After reading the "new light" I'm now convinced, beyond any doubt that in the Headquarters of WT, heavy drugs are circulating amongst the Bethel members.

    So we have to blindly obey into a bunch of idiots, who are claiming that are Christ's chosen ones, but officially Jesus, haven't pick them yet, and will do in near future!!!

    What evidence can the provide that they are chosen from Jesus? NONE

    How do we know that Jesus in the expection that he will proceed, sometime in the future, will pick the GB-FDS of the WT? WE DON'T KNOW, HE MIGHT PICK ANOTHER GROUP AS WELL...

    As a conclusion of this schizophrenic reasoning, THE GB ARE THE FUTURE CHOSEN ONES, that during the inspection of Jesus, HE WILL CHOSE THEM, AMONG ALL CHRISTIAN FAITHS ON EARTH...

  • Vidiot
    JustHuman - "After reading the "new light" I'm now convinced, beyond any doubt that in the Headquarters of WT, heavy drugs are circulating amongst the Bethel members."


    Dude, heavy drugs are used amongst all levels of the WT heirarchy; antidepressants, alcohol... even antipsychotics in some cases.

    BTW, can you succinctly break down your summary in point form without pejoratives?

  • TD
    One can argue that all doctrinal changes have been apostasy since all of them have been decided exclusively by the governing body (at least since that body came into existence in more or less its current form).

    One could, but with lesser doctrines, it's not quite sawing off the same branch you're sitting on to the same degree that this is. Anointed JW's generally agree with changes as they're made regardless of whether they had a part in the decision or not. (With some exceptions among the elderly)

    In this case, it doesn't matter if the balance of the anointed agree with the change. It's 'Apostasy' whether they do or don't. (Again by their own definition of the term.)

  • Legacy

    Hi All,

    Here is the real point....In 1919 as the Faithful Discreet Slave after Jesus made a dilligent search from 1914-1918 of all religions claiming to be christians & viola, it was the witnesses...so he left them in charge of feeding the flock the spiritual food...so....this is the real meat....if Jesus didn't come back, YET... & didn't inspect all religions...YET...who has been giving the spiritual food to the flock ...THE FDS Class...ok, is everyone with me..but who authorized them to give the food...this seems to be the real question...I think we are all afraid to say...a bunch of self appointed old men appointed themselves...that's what is scaring everyone...to say, OMG, who has really been feeding us ? Someone on this site said something or other but the article clearly stated....Jesus did not come back YET....& he didn't appoint any religion to do nothing...I told that to one of the friends & she got so flabbergasted, I thought she would pass out...That's what I'm taking out of the entire article...that Jesus has not returned, visibly or invisibly. Nothing has taken place as of yet...whether the slave is taking care of some things or all things...Jesus hasn't come ...YET..I'm not making this stuff up, it's what I read...

    I really think folks have egg on their face because everyone wants to be chosen by God to be his special people...they have run around for years telling everyone that they are the truth, then those same doors that they use to knock on now they have to eat crow, because it's not true anymore. & we all know how emphatic witnesses are, when you tell them something & they feel it's against what they know as the truth, they get this glaze over their eyes & a line comes between their brows & you are about to get it... So it may be more about embarrasement then anything else..My KH yesterday, not too many hands...some trying to act like they were not dumb founded...like they are moving with the chariot..but believe me...this article rocked their world...Not me, cuz I know Man...they always want to know & when we put our little sticky fingers in matters, it's never the same...

    Now most are thinking even if the don't say it...."WHO HAS BEEN FEEDING US ALL THE WHILE, IF JESUS AIN'T COME BACK YET"..


  • prologos

    It is also a question of time, because the same teachings that you have to embrace after this month's study were previously held, written, by what were then apostate dissenters,

    with consequences.

    The GB/F&DS are retroactive apostates.

  • Vidiot

    Joe Rutherford - shady legal shark, boozer (and booze-runner), philandering mysoginist, and fascist-sympathizing anti-Semite...

    Fred Franz - closet Millerite wannabe, right-wing conspiracy theorist, Herb-Tarleck fashion devotee, and Shoe Whisperer...

    Ted Jaracz - alleged sex offender, possible paranoid schizophrenic, and all-around authoritarian tyrant...

    Gosh, who's next?

  • neverendingjourney

    it's not quite sawing off the same branch you're sitting on to the same degree

    I hear what you're saying. On paper, this is a coup, an epic power play. In reality, though, the coup exists on paper only. The bulk of the "anointed" never had any real power. The privileges they enjoyed were having witnesses at the local level view them with a special reverence.

    It's not as if non-GB anointed are going to form their own splinter groups and take rank-and-file witnesses with them.

  • Oubliette

    MindNumbed: apparently, Jesus appointed them to provide spiritual food at the proper time in 1919, and when he returns at some future time, he will be so thrilled that they did fulfill their duties as a Faithful and Discreet Slave that he will give them the secondary part and appoint them over all of his belongings.

    Even though they were completely WRONG about their own prophetic identity for 93 years!

    Still, evidently Jesus will be thrilled ... or so they say!

    I say: They were wrong before, they could be wrong again ... and they probably are!

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