Which is more weird ? Nov 15, 2013 page 20

by jwstudy 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwstudy

    Which is more weird ?
    English standard edition or simplified edition?
    Or they are just the same?

    Watchtower November 15, 2013 page 20

    Simplified Edition

    (3) At that time, the direction that
    you receive from Jehovah’s organization
    may seem strange or unusual. But
    all of us must be ready to obey any
    instructions we may receive, whether
    we agree with them or not, because
    obeying these instructions will save
    our lives.

    English Edition

    (3) At that time, the lifesaving
    direction that we receive from
    Jehovah’s organization may not appear
    practical from a human standpoint. All
    of us must be ready to obey any instructions
    we may receive, whether these appear
    sound from a strategic or human
    standpoint or not.

    By the way, Japanese watchtower in this case,
    is direct translation from "Simplified" edition.

    It sounds like Nazi style of conformity.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    That is definitely weirder.

  • prologos


    simplifyed makes it more personal: "--direction that YOU receive--" and

    "--agree or not--" against our will?

    Be ready to be a Kamikaze. the divine wind is coming.

    Echos for those of us that lived through the end of the collapse of the 1000 year reign and the axis godheads.

  • caliber

    Adolf Eichmann was one of the most prominent Nazis to use this defense at his trial (held in Israel in 1961).

    I cannot recognize the verdict of guilty. . . . It was my misfortune to become entangled in these atrocities. But these misdeeds did not happen according to my wishes. It was not my wish to slay people. . . . Once again I would stress that I am guilty of having been obedient, having subordinated myself to my official duties and the obligations of war service and my oath of allegiance and my oath of office, and in addition, once the war started, there was also martial law. . . . I did not persecute Jews with avidity and passion. That is what the government did. . . . At that time obedience was demanded, just as in the future it will also be demanded of the subordinate.
  • sir82

    "Whether we agree with them or not"

    So maybe the "simplified version" should just be shortened to the "SS version".

    Sieg Heil!

  • BU2B

    My vote goes to the simplified edition. That is the type of material that makes me think that the chance of a Jonestown type scenario, while remote, is possible. I says to OBEY a group humans who dont have a good track record, seeing as how they have been wrong every time in the past, OBEY even if you dont agree. That SCREAMS cult, while the standard edition just says cult in a inside voice. If world events spiral downhill into a WW3 at any point in the realitivly near future, it is VERY frightening what they may order the lobotomized JW automatons to do.

  • WTWizard

    Obey at all costs. And costs there will be plenty.

    How practical was the advice given in 1969? People were instructed to sell out so they could pious-sneer during their last remaining days in this system until 1975. Did that work well? Just ask anyone that did as told and is still in debt to this very day, nearly 40 years later.

    And it is no better now. When I was in, I remember not being encouraged to save anything for retirement, whether in paper or physical assets. Instead, they were to donate the funds toward the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. This is still going on to this day, with many a hounder insisting that investing in assets is "too worldly" or betrays a lack of trust in joke-hova. Too bad they are going to find out the hard way where the "joke" part really comes into play when they reach age 70 with no savings, no assets, no silver or gold, no nothing and have to work until they are more than 90. Who is going to take care of their health at that point?

    Children have it little better. They are usually told not to listen to music or watch videos that are entertaining--albeit that today's music and TV has little entertainment value compared to only a few years ago. They can't listen to a song that has the word "damn" in it for "swearing". A TV show that has a little violence is banned, even if there is good entertainment value. And they are supposed to stick out like dorks in school. No participating in parties. No class trips. No dating. No association with classmates except to witless to them. Being tired every test day because of the boasting session the night before. No careers in the world. No nothing.

    Did this work for those living and receiving this rubbish advice in 1969? They were told they would not grow old in this system; many are pushing 60 years of age today. And they listened--no retirement anything. Silver and gold, or paper assets--no nothing. Instead, they are going to be destitute in their old age. It will be no different for children that listen today than for those who listened in 1969.

  • westiebilly11

    I vill obey vithout question...........heard that before somewhere I'm sure...ah yes..70 years ago wasn't it..?

  • kurtbethel

    I see this as more directing people to accept future nonsensical and contradictory doctrine changes, and not that there are directions on the way to drink kool aide.

    Let's hope I'm right.

  • SAHS

    “Which is more weird ?
    English standard edition or simplified edition?”

    Actually, they’re both as weird – just one is meant for the dumb, and the other is for the dumber.

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