Best jw site?

by one 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • one

    What do you consider the best site to direct anyone looking for the "truth about the truth", not just a discussion board.

  • mouthy
  • teejay

    If I had to pick just one, it would be

  • ozziepost

    Mrs Ozzie and I have appreciated the help from a few sites but the most helpful for us was Randy's site at
    Many thanks Randy!

    Of course the old H2O played an important part too. And we mustn't forget this board, either, must we.


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • Fredhall
  • Solace

    Thanks for sharing the site.
    It looks like a good one.
    "Freeminds" has also been one of my favorites.

  • Beans

    And all the other ones! I didn`t need any site or book to get out but now the Internet is here and all of these sites are primo!


  • Carmel


    An excellent question. I've been to Randy's site many times, just checked out mouthy's reference which got me to thinking that it is not a "one size fits all" situation. If your're inclined to have the person be snagged from the pot into the fire, then certainly send him/her to the "gung ho Jesus" site mouthy provided. Many will respond and feel all warm and fuzzy having the familiar warm blanked of "christian fellowship". I really don't know of a better site than this one, if the person is capable of withstanding the winds of challange and the bite of skepticism. I know when I was looking for "truth" neither Randy's or mouthy's would have been what I was looking for.

    There use to be another christocentric site that was not so hard sell that was very supportive and not so pushy, but I can't remember the name of the site or the lady that frequented H20 and here...

    someone help me...


  • mouthy

    Didnt want to offend you Carmel-but when I left the WT ( or was kicked out) It was when I went to PA -for" Witnesses for Jesus "convention-That I became free from the Borg- But as you state it wasnt any good to you- but it is as the saying goes. One mans meat is another mans poison....Also I have told folks my testimony is on it.
    So if anyone is having a hard time leaving the Borg- they might be encouraged by it. Grace Gough is the testimony-It was devasting for me to be kicked out of the Ark- Now It is Wonderful to be free from that cult.

  • Simon

    I found Freeminds, Quotes and several others to be very good.

    Generally the 'informative but not bitter' sites were the best (at least at first) as anything over the top tended to trip the sensitive WT mental trip-wires and put me off.

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