The last days were about the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in the 1st centruy. The Messiah was talking to those who asked the question , he replied tot hem and did not lie or mislead.He told them not us that soem would still be alive when he returned. They fully expected it andwere waiting.He did not lie .He cmae back for his chosen ones and took them back where they serve in The Kingdom .Most of the apocolyptic language used were symbolic metephors randt akenform the old testamant. They were reffering to the jewish system of things. See my youtube channel seekchristonly.........50 things your church did not teach you part 1 and part 2. You will see for yourself. The delusion that has goen on ofr over thre hundred years aobut the last days.
The Fullfillment of Prophecy about the last days in The 1st Centruy
by cassuk11 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
I'll check it out, the peterist idea is interesting, especially since in the beginning of the book of Revelation and at the end it says these things must quickly come to pass. Also there seems to be some evidence that the book of revelation was written before 70ce in the early 60's ce and not as late as 96ce.
The saviour and his kingdom did come in 70Ad. the problem is nobody wants to accept that it was Titus. His father Vespasian was Caesar who were all gods. You can read about it on wiki. The evil generation of jews were the ones who kept on trying to rebel against Rome. Revelation is simply about the struggle against jews. 666 which is actually 616 = nero literally.
The second pope ( Clement )was also a Flavian, Constantine another Flavian officialised xianity, the first saints were flavians. Guess who gave us the Bible ?
While in the mid-19th century it was customary to identify him as a freedman of Titus Flavius Clemens , who was consul with his cousin, the Emperor Domitian , this identification, which no ancient sources suggest, then lost support. [2] The 2nd-century Shepherd of Hermas mentions a Clement whose office it is to communicate with other churches; most likely, this is a reference to Clement I. [11]
It is interesting that Jesus is reported to have said to those gathered at the Sanhedrin that they would see not the the Son of God coming on the clouds of heaven (in judgement), but the Son of Man. mP made a good point too about Roman rulers being seen as gods. I am also of the understanding that each Roman emperor was hailed as a Son of God.
cassuk11- you should come back and engage in discussion with those who challenge your assertions.
THos eromans may have been the disgusting thing standing in the holy palce.THey entered the tmeple with thier pagan banners etc etc when they destryoed Jerusalem . Tkae a look at a video i upload called fulfilled prophecie sof the messiah on my youtube channel. It is a documentry from the arch in rome it depecits the romans carrying the gold away form the tmeple. He illustrates exactly what hapened in the 1st century and in line with bible prophecy. ALos my vidoe 50 end time things your church did not teach you part one and two my channel is seekchristonly
Because there's nothing ex-JWs love more than to be preached at about even more imaginary end times crap.
...ok its infomercial time from uk11.
Cold Steel
The only problem is that we can't fully trust the ancient manuscripts we have since none are original. It’s entirely likely that some later scribe manipulated the Savior’s words in the hopes that the Second Coming would be in his day or, at the least, earlier.
If one accepts these prophecies, then it’s clear these prophesies failed, right? Zechariah 12-14 describes the events, not of the Roman assault, but of a future assault during which God would bolster Israel, and the Messiah would rescue the Jews in the day of their redemption. According to prophecy, a number of things had to happen. First, the Jews would be scattered throughout the nations of the earth. Then, wolves in lambs’ clothing would enter the church, not sparing the flock. This would be followed by a “falling away” or mass apostasy. Centuries passed, the keys of the kingdom, or administerial authority, would pass away. The coming of Elijah, who would “restore all things,” was destined to occur, and then the gathering of Judah spoken about in Isaiah 11 would come to pass, followed by the building of the third temple (See Rev. 14). Once established, a great power from the north would come down on the holy city and the Lord would raise up two prophets. Three and a half years later, the Lord comes in his glory and rescues the remnant Jews and destroys Judah’s enemies, leaving only a sixth of the enemy intact.
At that point he descends upon the Mount of Olives, and an earthquake tears a rift into the mount, splitting it asunder. The remnant of the Jews flee into the valley and the Messiah reveals himself, converting the Jewish state in a single day. That’s a lot to happen in one’s lifetime; that’s why I dismiss any prophecies that seem to push the event in the Lord’s generation.
The gospels are scrambled up a bit in regards to Jesus prophecies about the destruction of Jerusalem and the 'end'.
Here is a really good example of what I'm talking about, in Matthew 24 Jesus disciples are showing him the building of the temple and Jesus says "by no means will a stone be left here upon a stone".
Once they get to the mount of olive they ask, "when will these things be". So the FIRST question is when will Jerusalem be destroyed. So that is one time period. Then they ask what will be the sign of your presence, another time period. THEN of the conclusion of the system of things.
But the way it's written in matthew, you have 3 questions about 3 different time periods and with JW's, they take all of that to mean just the time of the end.
If you combine and sort out among all the gospels what Jesus said, you can piece together what he was saying would happen for each of those periods.
And by the way, the "this generation will not pass away", was only talking about the destruction of Jerusalem. The generation of people living when Jesus spoke WERE the ones alive when Jerusalem was surrounded by armies and destroyed.
When you piece together Luke 21:24, the end of Jesus prophecy about Jerusalem being destroyed and what would happen, he says, "and they will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive into the nations, and Jerusalem will be trampled on by the nations, UNTIL the appointed times of the nations are fulfilled".
So OP's post, yes he was talking about the destruction of Jerusalem, but he was also talking about future events long past the destruction of Jerusalem as well, it's all jumbled together and you gotta piece it all together to get the real picture.