Comments you hear at the July 15th WT Study

by LostGeneration 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • LostGeneration

    If you still go to the meetings, I'd love to hear how tomorrow's WTS goes down.

    I'm sure there will be plenty of comments read straight from the paragraph, a few pauses where NOBODY wants to comment for fear of not getting it right, and a few COMPLETELY WRONG comments from publishers talking out of their a$$e$ trying to look smart.

  • Apognophos

    I will do my best to report back after the study tomorrow, I'll sure be paying close attention.

  • piztjw

    This ought to be fun! I figure maybe three or four commentors really giving it their all. Gotta brown-nose the sheep shearers y'know! A few as stated beforre read word-for-word out of the paragraph, and most will just sit there in a daze wondering WTH it is all about.

  • FadeToBlack

    I'll be there. My wife will be amazed when she sees how 'studied' my copy is! I will be sure to post notes on audience reaction or lack of...

  • jgnat

    It's been like forever since hubby asked me to finish his magazine study for him. But this one had him stumped! He admitted that he's very confused. I finished it for him and he asked me what it all meant. I told him it is very confusing and not to worry about it.

    Frankly, I'd want a diagram to figure this one all out.

  • LostGeneration

    Thats funny jgnat. "Don't think about it too much dear, you might hurt yourself!"

    Thanks to the others for your help, I really hope this is going to wake a few up (though I'm not holding my breath).

  • prologos

    THIS month' studies will set up any comers to a serious case of FOOT IN MOUTH desease.

    it is an affliction that is contagious.

    You catch it from long time reading of WT publications

    they have shown the symptoms for over a century.

    we like to read the examples you hear in your hall.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I would expect comments like:

    Well, that just makes sense. It's been obvious for years that that is how it has been. It's just finally now in print officially from the GB.


  • stillin

    Just had dinner with a nice witness couple this evening.. I said "I guess we start the study about the new understanding of the F&D slave tomorrow." Got blank stares. I had to explain it for them. "Oh, Really?" I have a feeling that the WT study is going to be painful.

  • bytheirworks

    Never underestimate a JW's desire to want to continue their mind-control.

    Its up to us to contantly keep talking about this July 15th.

    Its how we show our love of neighbor.

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