Judicial Meetings on the internet

by RayPublisher 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • RayPublisher

    So far I have found only about 10 judicial recordings/transcripts online TOTAL. There has to be more out there I would think... Here's the people I've found so far:

    • Matthew Barrie

    • Rick Fearon

    • Anthony Roberts

    • James Caputo

    • Dale and Better Baker

    • Rick and Laverne Townsend

    • AnonDude

    • Conrad West

    • Eric (that's me) on JWStruggle on YouTube

    • RapunzelisAwake on JWStruggle on YouTube

    Are there more? Does anyone know of others out there? Am I missing some obvious ones?

  • baltar447

    Dang, I was hoping they were going to start having JCs online. LOL

  • sspo

    Are they on YOUTUBE?

  • Watchtower-Free
  • RayPublisher

    Some are transcript only. Others are audio only.

    I heard that someone was transcribing Rick Fearon's JC, which is currently audio only. I have to say irregardless of your feelings about him, he did an amazing job of showing those elders TTATT and defending his reasons for leaving the WT cult.

  • carla

    Didn't Little Toe have something? a thread should be in the 'best of' if you haven't seen it, it is worth looking up.

  • jwfacts

    Here is a recording of an anoymous girl's attempt to be reinstated. jwfacts.com/audio/reinstatement-2012.mp3

    Littletoe disassociated whilst giving a public talk. The transcript is at jwfacts.com/watchtower/experiences/littletoe-disassociation-talk.php and you can hear the talk by clicking on the podcast button.

  • RayPublisher

    Thanks Paul that's a couple more. This is one area where we need way more of these IMO and hopefully others will be made known that are already online.

    And hopefully more will be generated as time goes on.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Didn't KidA post his df'ing audio tapes on JWD about 5 years ago?

  • RayPublisher

    I'm going to look for that- thanks CD.

    Anyone else know of more?

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