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by freeflyingfaerie 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • freeflyingfaerie

    ...they only have the power and authority you let them have

    It's good to remember that you are only~

    'Disfellowshipped' .....to a Jehovah's Witness

    'Wicked' .....to a Jehovah's Witness

    'Mentally Diseased' ....to a Jehovah's Witness

    'Spiritually Weak" .....to a Jehovah's Witness

    'Bad Association' .... to a Jehovah's Witness

    ...to your self and the rest of the world's population, you may be a Free-thinking, Moral, Descent, even Wonderful Person!

    ..good to remember

    I was reminded of this yesterday when, in the course of a conversation with a client, she directly asked what religion I was a part of (we were speaking about college and I mentioned that I am just now starting college, as it was strongly discouraged in my religous cultural upbringing). I answered that I was raised as a jw and since left. She said she is a jw and asked if i was inactive or df'd. I replied df'd..... and it sounded so silly! I have no shame about it and really only said the word disfellowshipped in answer to keep it in context. It felt strange to even say.

    We continued a pleasant conversation. She told me she was disappointed in how their circuit overseer treated her children and saw some "hypocrisy". She said she was afraid to speak out and question the c.o. so as to not be seen as going against the arrangement. I told her later on in conversation that since leaving the religion I have been understanding the importance of developing critical thinking and feel that if something is declared 'truth', it should stand up to scrutiny and there should never be fear to question it and do research, and from a variety of sources. I expressed that the df'ing policy has had an opposite effect with me personally and that I don't believe a 'loving god' would be behind it. I got the impression that her doubts might run deep, as she 'defended' herself on several points without me even asking...and at the same time confided that she saw hypocricy...all this to a 'disfellowshiped' person. She is a sweetheart, I felt a mix of sadness for her (remembering all the manipulation and control of the stupid religion and how it tries to take away people's dignity to even think for themselves), and hope that she may one day follow through with those doubts and questions..

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi freeflyingfaerie, You made some excellant points about how JWs and some exJWs view themselves because the WTBTS uses BITE control techniques to victimize them.

    I hope that the seeds of doubt will grow in the JW, who you know, and you will be able to help her critically think for herself.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • freeflyingfaerie

    Hey there~

    Don't know if she'll see me again, but who knows..

    and if she wants to discuss some more, that would be great

    It feels good being able to talk about leaving the religion and why I left, without an ounce of guilt or shame (like the clergy would like to have you be consumed with), and instead ..if anything, the 'burden of proof' is on them

    ~Peace back to you

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Good chart.

    Just Lois

  • freeflyingfaerie

    Thanks Lois!

    P.S.~ I spotted Superman the other day at Target (at least that's what the t shirt said). He said he's got a few fires to put out and several bad guys to take care of..then he's on it

  • Hortensia
    She said she is a jw and asked if i was inactive or df'd.

    They've always got to place you somewhere in their structure. I think I wouldn't answer that, maybe just say, "does it matter?"

  • freeflyingfaerie

    Hortensia~ Yeah, true...guess I was being 'nice' to humor her and speak her language a little

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    Nice job. It's a decent sign when JW's will talk to da or d'fd person. I think it marks a turning point in using your heart and logic. It's great she kept talking and openeD up to you. Congrats!

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    It's another thing to get her thinking. She already is, and in a few years we might see her here. The doubts have to start somewhere for all of us. Then they pile up and up and up until something snaps and we're ready for TTATT.

  • joe134cd

    Just curious but what was her ethnicity. What dose "BITE" stand for.

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