Not sure if the WT attorneys were involved.
Pure guesswork on my part because, thankfully, I do not know this awful man, but I doubt very much that Watchtower attorneys would be overtly involved in any way - except maybe behind the scenes to ensure there is as much damage control as possible. I would further think that the only way they would become more actively involved is if any of the victims come forward and sue the Watchtower Society. Otherwise, the WT attorneys would have the horse sense to stay right out of it - at least the more public aspects of it.
Does anyone know how the man's home congregation has responded? If he were a JW in good standing, albeit no longer an elder, has his congregation taken any steps to distance themselves from him or, conversely, stood by him? Is he or was he married? If so, I feel for his wife and children - but naturally, I also feel for his victims. He sounds like a vile man - to have done what he did to children and to have carried on in the organization over all these years as if nothing had happened beggars belief.