One more strike against joke-hova. That thing does nothing about people lying, using religion for their own selfish gain. Look how wealthy the vatican is, at the expense of the people. Look at how rich the leaders of the washtowel have gotten from donations, usually from those with little to give in the first place. All this while the people have little or no in the way of luxury. They can't even afford that Nintendo 3DS so they can play Pokemon X and/or Y when it comes out--they can't even afford the games! They enjoy little so the leaders can extort, in the name of joke-hova, as much as possible.
Yet, joke-hova is worried about stupid things. It does nothing about the lies and confusion about religion, yet it will smack down on anyone that enjoys themselves in a "haunted" house (usually rigged with rubber figures that move with motors, flashing strobe lights, and digital recordings of spooky noises). This same god also hates people giving and receiving Christmas gifts, people who decorate their homes with lights and trees, children that eat cupcakes at a birthday party, or have "too much fun". This god also hates people, and will use the death penalty, for people that masturbate, watch porn, or do fornication. Death penalty for trick or treat, no penalty for confusing the whole of mankind about religion.
And you wonder why I have such contempt for joke-hova? If joke-hova deserved respect, it would have long ago destroyed any and all confusion regarding which denomination is the real truth, and all the others would have been exposed. Instead, that thing goes after children for having any fun?