**hides the bolt cutters**
Ahh yes... Abbott. The modern 1950's man.
by metatron 236 Replies latest jw friends
**hides the bolt cutters**
Ahh yes... Abbott. The modern 1950's man.
The thing about global warming that is coldly terrifying to me is the power of the elite in pushing common people to accept a threat so tenuous, so speculative and so distant as if it merited real priority in their lives.
Will the Arctic be ice free in 2014? Or 2016? Or 2040? And if so, so what? We will be unable to adapt? Will sea levels really rise significantly? Will British pensioners burn books to keep warm? Will most Americans ever be able to plan a retirement, as their fathers did? Will our children forget what snow was?
Will new sources of energy be found by then? Will the consumption of fossil fuels greatly drop because the world plunges into a generation-long depression and the deceptive mass media stops calling it a 'recession'? There's dozen more questions to be asked.
I am deeply troubled that Allan Savory led the way to slaughter thousands of elephants in the name of the environment. He did so (and regrets it) because "scientific" opinion offered him no choice - even though such opinions 'didn't work'. I wonder if he had 97% of scientists with peer reviewed opinions behind him? I think Australia could greatly benefit from his climate change work (which stands to benefit poor people in particular, not rich powerful elites who can fill media headlines with gloom and doom speculations)
So, a British rag publishes a suggestive false headline prediction from the pompous BBC? Well and good. Graphs showing Arctic ice look pretty impressive in a downward arc over time. OTOH, I wouldn't invest in a stock that had a graph such that for global air temperatures because it might suggest a topping out or loss of growth in increase. Some speak of problems to come in decades..... Really?
I see an unmistakeable pattern of behavior - and link- between excessive global warming speculation and warmongering on Syria. The elites take a reasonable concern - whether temperatures - or nerve gas held by a government - and use the media to keep up a drumbeat of speculation to give them deeper control over the masses.
I continue to believe that the REAL problem with climate are the corrupt elites - their greedy need for power and profits, their unchecked domination, free from the rule of law (see above link).
If you don't have them squarely in the climate change mix, 'you don't get it'.
I continue to believe that the REAL problem with climate are the corrupt elites
It is largely the 'corrupt elites' who tend to deny manmade climate change.
Uh..... I suggest you go back and consider the link to Testosterone Pit linking climate change concerns to Goldman Sachs and others who want carbon trading. Then tack on various politicians across the globe who lust for ever more power.
Yes, oil companies did deny climate change (and yes, they are evil, too!).
Not quite, the dams you mention are simply governemnts taking advantage of natural resources. If your a poor country and theres a big powerful river then it makes sense to leverage it. Many of those countries had at best almost no electricity.
Changing the source that eventaully gives you electricity saves coal, but doesnt change the petrol burden or use.
Just like Middle East oil drives European and American cars, Australian coal and steel helps powers Japan & China. If you look at Australia its coal export business is on the increase more than ever.
Coal in Australia is mined primarily in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. It is used to generate electricity and 54% of the coal mined in Australia is exported, mostly to eastern Asia. In 2000/01, 258.5 million tonnes of coal were mined, and 193.6 million tonnes were exported. Coal provides about 85% of Australia's electricity production. [1] In fiscal year 2008/09, 487 million tonnes of coal was mined, and 261 million tonnes exported. [2] In 2010, Australia was the world's fourth-largest coal producer, after China, the United States, and India. However, in terms of proportion of production exported, Australia is the world's largest coal exporter, as it exports roughly 70% of coal production. [3]
Yes the Aust government is stopping global warming by exporting record amounts of coal.
Im pretty confident if we go back and study the figures for Coal usage in America, China, Japan and other hungry countries we will see the same. Only increases and no real decreases.
But the fact you have to goto Europe and cant find anything proves that the Australian government is doing absolutely nothing significant.
That's because we have people like Tony Abbott and Alan Jones (and mP) claiming there's no need. Once Australia got away from Howard, Rudd ratified the Kyoto protocol and at least took some environmentally favourable steps - which Abbot tried to block.
Agh once again you cant actually provide a real example everyone can see of the Austr gov making real changes, so you start repeating nonsense excuses, lumped in together with some insults.
Why dont you shutup and give a real answer, you coward.
mP, no doubt you are aware that the global temperature varies widely but really needs to be compared over millenia, not years. We are in the middle of a larger cooling trend, but we are warming up anyways. We've only been able to reliably measure the polar ice pack since 1979 and the advent of satellites.
You cant have it both ways. Your the one who introduced a graph that shows less than 10 years worth of data.
If we have not been able to measure the polar ice pack then is it honest to make big statements when there is limited knowledge or samples going back for more than 30 years ?
Perhaps if we saw the other years, we might see a fluctuation as 2003ish seemed pretty much well covered, and your claims are not quite as dramatic. Is that honest ? Is that the full picture ?
The new Prime Minister in Australia (voted in by conservatives and naive victims of the biased media) is a climate change denier. So we won't be expecting any great environmental improvements in Australian policy any time soon.
From the mouth of Tony Abbott:
Its amazing that you cant provide any links to back all your asserrtions.
You tell us the Aus was doing something and yet you cant provide a single link to something major.
Same old bullshit and lies as your mate Kevin.
Kevin the arsehole who loves the environment so much he doesnt ban bottled water a complete waste that kills lots of marine animals and causes unncessary waste on our beaches. I wrote to him about this and they never replied.
The last 3 years have actually been the least hot summerwise. I dont think we had more than a handful 35+ compared to the past.
YOu might also want to check Europe which rather than havving hot summers almost had no summer at all.
Nothing in there is proof or comment on actual temperature changes. It just talks about nonsense like carbon trading. NOthing in there provides proof that these schems have reduced carbon pollution. All they talk about is money.