Big JW Changes in The Netherlands (Holland)

by DeWandelaar 13 Replies latest social current

  • DeWandelaar

    News reached me a couple of days ago of some big changes in The Netherlands for Jehovah's Witnesses. A letter from the branch office was read in all congregations so it can easily be verified by lurkers and faders who are still visiting the congregations.

    Big changes:

    - They are going to sell one of the two assembly halls. This is big news since they have this property for around 30-40 years at least. It is in a nice place near Utrecht.

    - The district assemblies in 2014 will still be held in rented eventhalls. However... they will EXPAND the other assembly hall with a big hyper modern district assembly hall since they have bought the properties next to it. The district conventions will be smaller ones ( around 10 per year with aprox 3000-4000 visitors per assembly). EVERY congregation in the Netherlands will be attending district AND circuitassemblies in Swifterband.

    - The most southern regions will be having their district assemblies in Belgium... they already had their circuit assemblies in Belgium (Bornem) so they are used with traveling there anyways. Since the bOrg do not have to rent properties this will mean a sincere reducing of costs. They also get a lot of support of the local governments and I even heared they will create ways for visitors to easily go to the assembly halls.

    It is something that is happening all around the globe. Not only are they reducing costs by not renting big A-location halls but they also will collect a shitload of money for selling these locations. They are cashing out... that's for sure!

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Just a global property development and publishing corporation rationalising and cost cutting. That's what such organisations typically do. Screw the poor and suffering, we need to build our hyper convention halls.

  • besty

    In summary, they are flipping redeveloped properties paid for by free labour and tax-free donations.

    I believe Hayes Bridge in the UK has been lavishly renovated recently and started hosting small Conventions.

  • Dutch-scientist


    I also got the note. They ask 5 Euro per month for 15 years long to 1/3 of the publishers. (extra cost) They need to pay 9 mil. Euro total if they sell a current assembly hall where they want to cash 7 mil. Euro. Total project cost is estimated at 16.7 mil. Euro

    I also get the note they will build one in Brussels (Belgium) and 3 in France. Other countries I dont know.


  • nugget

    With all these sales of visible assets I am wondering whether this is a bid to liquidate assets and hide the money against future lawsuits as well as a cost cutting exercise.

  • besty

    I think it is pretty difficult for a charity to hide assets with a straight face.

    The fallout from being accused or found guilty of that could be a death blow.

  • Bangalore

    The government should just tax them.


  • Sapphy

    It does seem like they're cashing out. Round here there's lots of talk of new kingdom halls, but in the past 10 years I haven't seen a new one built nearby. Lots of refurbs though.

  • zeb

    The refurbs are done out ofthat kh funds. Once the wts finds the cong has 'surplus' funds they insist on them being used. and often with a loan from the borg at interest. this keeps the leash on and the $$ rolling in.

  • NewYork44M

    As donations have dried up, the watchtower has figured out a new way of generating cash. There are in the real estate development business.

    They build for less than market because of all the donated labor, and then sell for top dollar. Sounds like a great gig to me.

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