Well, it does illustrate how much the literature has become way more toned-down in more recent years compared to what it once was. I recall going to conventions in which the titles of talks were rabidly anti-Christendom and especially the Papacy. Talk about OTT religiously fuelled excesses!
Talk - The Destruction Of Churches
by Bangalore 21 Replies latest jw friends
Just speculating here but this scenario does seem to fit the description of Babylon the Great. It isn't the churchs...
If anyone is a student of the history of the British Empire read Rev. 17 while keeping the B.E. in mind. The beast (7 heads followed by an eighth) is the empire, which was represented by the G7 nations and is currently the G8. The harlot is the Queen who represents and controls the empire today. The Queen is the largest landowner on the planet, even more than the Vatican. Notice the references to ships, water and merchants in Rev.17. This perfectly fits the British Empire and its dependency on water and ships to do business around the globe. It is supported by millions of merchants all over the planet. Are you familiar with the City of London? It's a small city state located in the heart of London. The City of London was established as the financial nerve center of the British Empire and is seperate from London. It is a very small city to itself known in the Bible as Baby lon or Baby-London. The British Empire is the largest, most financially powerful empire in history and it's on it's last leg as an empire today. If you're keeping up with the current banking scandal out of Britain, it's very easy to see how the whole house of cards is going to collapse at any time. The banking system has gambled away a huge portion of its customer deposits in the derivative and other speculative markets. It's adding up to be the largest fraud and ponzi scheme in history. They are hopelessly bankrupt. The depositors and investors have lost $billions since the 2008 crash and they are out for blood! The Queen (the harlot) will probably be one of the first targets of their wrath...
Will you need a new world headquarters on a lake in upstate New York?
Our Queen is many, many things, but a harlot? I am shocked!
But seriously, over the centuries, the imagery of Revelation has been the topic of endless speculations - all you need is to mix that imagery with religious dogmatism and mania and you have behaviors bordering on psychotic.
Revelation is without question one of the books of the Bible most guilty in terms of its "ability" to incite psychosis.
My poor Dad was so terrified to be inside of a church at my wedding he cowered near the door during the rehearsal rather than walk me down the aisle. Luckily he overcame his phobia for the big day.
I love those hell fire and brimstone ranting sermons better than any horror movies cranked out by Hollywood.
Frazzled UBM
Chapstick - brilliant incisive analysis! NOT - the British Empire ceased to exist as such a long time ago - if your analysis was correct armageddon would have been early last century or the century before. Like every other financial crisis, the system has survived the global financial crisis of 2007 and 2008 and regulatory structures and measures have been strengthened as a result. Financial systems and are cyclical and go through booms and busts but never ones that destroy the system in the way you suggest. Investors lose money because they make bad investment decisions and become over enthusiastic when the market is close to its peak or because they don't understand the risks either because they don't check or because the risks are not fully explained. The financial system is in a recovery stage at the moment.
Revelations, like everything else in the Bible, is a product of its times - Babyon the Great was a reference to the ROMAN EMPIRE and 666 was a reference to Nero. They thought that Armageddon would come to destroy the evil Roman empire but surprise surprise it didn't happen. Some student of history you are! You are clutching at straws to support your Bible based phobias. Wake up and smell the coffeee - the Bible has never predicted any event in world history and enever will. And get yourself an education and get some critical thinking skills before you put forward some idiotic theory in the future.
They thought that Armageddon would come to destroy the evil Roman empire but surprise surprise it didn't happen
Replace thought with hoped and your dead on. John thought writing a book with a few curses would somehow make his wishes come true.
This perfectly fits the British Empire and its dependency on water and ships to do business around the globe. It is supported by millions of merchants all over the planet. Are you familiar with the City of London? It's a small city state located in the heart of London. The City of London was established as the financial nerve center of the British Empire and is seperate from London. It is a very small city to itself known in the Bible as Baby lon or Baby-London. The British Empire is the largest, most financially powerful empire in history and it's on it's last leg as an empire today
What nonsense are you talking about ? Britian has never been richer. Sure it may control less land, but it is richer, because the world has made progress and everyone is better off and richer. When the empire was strong, they only made millions from India, today we talk much larger numbers even after inflation.
We are all kings compared to the lords of the British empire. How many of them do you think had a fridge or hot water on tap ? none.
Just think. In the pic posted by Kurtbethel you have JW's laughing and admiring God who is murdering billions as they watch. Get down Jehovah!