What gives you away as a (former) JW?

by perfect1 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Oubliette

    When I get angry and tell people that some of my family members won't talk to me because they're in a fucking cult!

    That usually gives it away.

  • sieborg

    ditto Oubliette

  • out4good3

    Don't have a problem wrapping gifts. Wife asks me to do it on the occassion that she is giving a gift to someone a the KH for some occasion they're allowed to participate in.

    You'd never know in general conversation tht I was an former JW.....

    .....until you try to ask me which congregation I go to or try to corner me on some idiot JW point.

  • Tiktaalik

    Great thread topic.

    I used to suck at wrapping presents. But I figured out a couple of tricks and now I truly rock at it.

    1. Buy good paper. And will be expensive. But it is worth it.

    2. Use ribbons. Everyone raves about a ribbon. But don't jst cross it over. Be creative. Experiment

    3. Buy everyone on your list one the following: books, books, DVDs, CDs, books, etc. These are all square and are the easiest to wrap.

    4. If the first three points above don't wok, juswah buy a gift bag.

    Those posts that mention not having friends really caught my attention. I am in the same boat. I work with blokes who have great lists of mates and they all go way back together. I've got none of that. I would love to have a big old birthday party just once in my life and have all my friends there with me to celebrate...But I don't have any!

    Swearing and cussing took along time to perfect. I got a lot a funny looks at my non-traditional cussing technique. I had to really work at it and almost force myself to swear. But I got it down pat now.

    I never tell people that I was a jw. Too ashamed of it. I view it as a profound moral weakness, set permanent stain on my character.

  • jws

    It just came up last night and I told somebody I used to be a JW. The reaction was something like "Oh, you used to be one of THOSE". I don't think the general public knows how screwed up they really are, but they know they are screwed up enough to knock on doors and annoy people. The guy I talked to knew about them not celebrating much.

    I don't think anything about me gives me away to the general public. Maybe to an ex-JW and I've had the same feelings about others.

    Friends, I have few real friends, but then again I live 1000 miles from where I grew up and the only childhood friend nearby is another ex-JW who, by coincidence, lives about 10 miles away. I always had worldly friends growing up. Many of whom I still visit when I'm back in the area.

    I have a knack for seeking out wilder groups (burning man, hash house harriers, etc). Perhaps to prove I'm not a JW anymore. And most people I tell would never have guessed I was a JW.

    I also never really get into holidays. Oh I love giving my kids gifts for christmas and birthdays. But as for holiday excitement, eh. Not so much. Certain people like my ex really got into Christmas and for them it was the magical time you see pictured in movies. For me, it's buy presents time. And that's about all. I have to put up the tree and wrap presents for the kid's sake. Never decorate the house though. The only Christmas ritual I have is to watch my favorite Christmas movie on Christmas while the kids are with the ex: Die Hard.

    Oh, and to do the Santa Rampage pub crawl. A few hundred people dressed in Santa outfits drinking heavily and being loud and obnoxious, maybe a little dirty. To me, that's wrecking the purity image of the holiday and I like it!

  • Londo111

    I've too much old lit stashed around the house and even in the shed. I need to have a bonfire.

  • RubaDub

    Still a JW .... but I still only use one towel in public restrooms no matter how wet my hands are.

    Rub a Dub

  • bigmac

    it has been slightly interesting about my personalised car registration--M 666 XJW. a few have asked the significance--i tell them --i'm an ex--JW

    whats an ex JW--?

    i used to be a JW

    whats a JW--?

    a jehovah's witness

    whats a jehovah's witness--?

    need i go on?


    Very little - I became an expert at hiding my religion and now I don't have to lie when birthdays / xmas topics come up. I was viewed as mysterious as I said very little about myself - it seemed to give me kudos.

    However another ex-jw might notice my lack of knowledge of xmas songs. Or when at an xmas lunch the question of "what xmas family traditions do you still have?" - everyone round the table answered with personal things that even my inventive imagination would never have conjured up. I was silent on the topic. It would have been a powerful moment to let people know the sh1t my parents put me through but I didn't want to spoil the merry mood.


  • rubadubdub

    I don't know my 7 siblings' birthdays! Seriously, my mother's health care aide asked me, so mom can send cards (she has dementia and can't remember), and I just don't know. Some of them are on Face Book, so that helps, but I have no idea what to buy them.

    I watched a few gift wrapping YouTube videos, so I don't waste a whole roll of wrapping paper for one gift (progress), but I still like sticking some tissue paper in a pretty gift bag.

    I downloaded an app on my android phone, so I don't miss any majoy holidays.

    I have two people other than my husband that I would count as my friends (working on that).

    I do un-witness to perfect strangers. Warning, Danger, Danger Will Robinson!

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