Maybe two GB members are going to come out as gay and announce plans to get married.
Maybe they're going to reveal that Fred Franz's head has been frozen and stored in a safe location (in Wallkill) in preparation for the time when medical advances will allow his resuscitation.
Maybe they are going to announce that the Revelation - Its Grand Climax is at Hand book was intended as a joke (the clue was in the crude name) but since no one noticed they thought they better clear the matter up.
Maybe they are going to promote Farkel to the Governing Body and give him his own column in the Watchtower magazine.
Maybe they are going to disclose a fresh revelation to the faithful slave that all Jehovah's Witnesses should change their underwear five times a day. And to prove compliance with the new regulation all underwear must be worn on the outside of your trousers at all times.
Maybe they are moving the world headquarters to Sao Paulo because it's sunnier and the girls are cute.