Are JWs more negative than normal people?

by Julia Orwell 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Positively yes! Jw's (as a whole) are most negatively charged.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    I was mentioning to a long time witness about how I had traveled Europe alone in the 1980's for six months with a Eurorail pass and hitchhiking. She said, "you can't do that today, people are so bad now!" I disagreed saying that individuals are still generally kind, its just the possibility of a terrorist event that is now a problem but is still rather rare. She just swallowed her tounge and said, "oh".

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Ah, the ubiquitous 'oh.' When a Jw has no answer and cognitive dissonance kicks in. Keep it up though, as you may get them thinking.

  • wasblind

    Yes. negativity makes a witness " happyfied "

    When the price of bread goes up Earth quakes tornados persecution Nu light lies

  • jgnat

    Pressured in to avoiding the "pressures of the world". You know, like fun.

  • outsmartthesystem

    The belief that some sort of apocalyptic solution is right around the corner accomplishes two things:

    1) it decimates the motivation that one might have to try to make the world around him/her a better place because....after all.....what is the point if God is going to fix things soon anyway?

    2) it causes people to live their present lives in depression and agony. Things have to get worse for the "end" to come so, whether or not things really ARE getting worse is irrelevent. Such a person will see every situation as though the glass is half empty because this subconsciously reinforces his/her hope that the present system is passing away.

  • wasblind

    It causes people to live thier present life in depression and agony____outsmartthesystem

    The Witnesses take to extreme teachin' folks to " Be happy in thier persecution " and " Long sufferin' "

    It's a name for folks who like extreme pain ain't it


  • Skbj

    100% feel the same. Had a big blow a couple of years back with my mother via SMS. I told her to stop watching 100 news shows all day long. That's constant negativity that added with the WTS propaganda just makes her miserable. So I told her to watch 1 news show per day and that's it. I have not heard her whining about the system in the past 2 years. Don't know if it's because she watches only one or because she finally got it that I'm not interested in hearing negative stuff. Either way it's a win :D grandmother (my dad's mom also a JW)? It's all another pair of sleeves...she was born miserable, and some people just don't know how to be happy.

  • Comatose

    So very true! lol

    What really gets my goat is when morbidly obese JWs suffer poor health problems and then rag on about how bad we need gods new system. No! You just need to take a break from shoveling food into your gaping maw!

    Or one of the JWs wakes up and then everyone opines about how Satan is clearly attacking gods people. The end must be soooo close.

    Jeez Louise.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    The kh Sunday morning. "Well B & S, what if you had a terrible problem and it never went away and it just got worse and worse, what would you think? Well the whole earth and everybody in it is going through that, all we can do is wait for arm&hammo, it's coming soon, be happy, try not to crap yer pants, it's so difficult but jellover wants us to be joyful, everything everywhere is so cruddy, that means you're gonna be okay if you just hang in here, don't do anything fun like a hobby, don't read a book, don't get a good night's sleep, don't work hard to pay your bills, don't do anything to better your own circumstances, just keep trying to save other people from a fiery death when the end of the world comes, but we don't believe in a fiery hell, don't get me wrong, but things are bad, but that's really good..."

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