Just when I thought it was over I get a phone call

by label licker 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sammy Jenkis
    Sammy Jenkis

    Be free.

  • smiddy

    Showing up to a JC indicates that you acknowledge their authority over you.

    I suggest you tell them you have nothing to say to them and to stop harassing you, or don't bother showing up.

    I would strongly agree with this suggestion and add that you have the names of the elders at that hall and that you are prepared to prosecute all of them in a court of law naming each of them and the congregation and also sending a letter to the branch in the country you are in and a letter to the world headquarters with your complaints and concerns and threatening to go public.

    I guarantee you will not hear another word from them.


  • Fernando

    There are probably many different routes to follow - but in the end these idiots revealing their true colours gives us the push we need to break free and build a new life. In a sense they are doing us a great big favour - preventing us from wasting more years of our life in an organisation headed over the cliff.

  • joe134cd

    It's so important that if you want to fade with no issues, that thou keep your mouth shut. Cause once the ball starts rolling its hard to stop.

  • nugget

    This is like the Salem Witch trials where a small number of people revel in their authority and use it to abuse others. They move from one victim to another and like a dog with a bone they will not give up until they get what they want.

    The fact that the JC was unsuccessful does not mean that they won't keep harassing others in an attempt to get what they want.

    You either have to accept that this is not a level playing field and fight the inevitable causing you stress and anguish or walk away show them how irrelevent they are to you and your life. These men live in a small world where they are able to bully other people and puff themselves up because the organisation enables them to do so. They have an inflated view of their own importance and are out of control like petty bullies in school. The biggest power you have is to demonstrate that their opinion is of no interest to you, that they have no power over you. If they try to talk to you or invite you to a JC say no I have better things to do. If they threaten then advise them that this is now a legal matter and they should under no circumstances contact you or continue to harrass you or they may be financially liable for distress caused.

    I still remember the stunned silence when the elder called me to tell me the outcome of my JC (which I didn't attend) He said I need to speak to you. My response was "No you don't" and I put the phone down. It was great taking back the power and control.

  • DeWandelaar

    @Label Licker... first of all I want to say to you that I feel for you.

    Now about this situation: if they want a JC they will get one... with or without you. So... you do not HAVE to go if you don't want to. ... if you do not care too much anyways it may be even a better option to just DA yourself and get it all over with (with in text that if they EVER contact you again you will sue their ass)... If they have a fax or something in the hall you could choose to send it by fax. That way you have PROOF that they got it together with the eventual claim that you will sue them.

    Just my two cents.

  • Ding

    Why talk to anyone at Bethel?

    They'll just brand you a sower of discord and use whatever you say against you.

  • LisaRose

    The sad truth is that ultimately all the jokers at Bethel care about is maintaining the corporate structure, they don't care whether you did any of those things or not. The fact that you don't lay back and take what they are dishing out makes you a threat. Behind all the blather about Jehovah's loving organization, the ugly truth is that you are expendable, you don't matter, they don't care.

    It's a hard thing to go through and it hurts, but as they say, living well is the best revenge. Focus your energy on your new life and forget those people. They have no power or control over you anymore, there are a million better things to do with your time than worrying about sociopath elders and what lies they may be making up.

  • Watchtower-Free

    Record the phone call to Bethel .

  • Kojack57

    The elders as well as the WTB&TS are only concerned with UNITY. Doesn't matter what is right or wrong. Anyone causing friction within the BORG must be made an example of.

    Thats what happens within man made organizations operating WITHOUT Gods spirit. We have the Internet so we can Shout out and expose these MORONS for what they really are.

    And it's working as evidence of the Dec.15, 2013 Watchtower.

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